So I posted an ad on craigslist the other day saying that I was a “female fighter available for mixed matches”.
A mixed match being where a guy and a girl “fight”. I don’t really see the appeal of them but whatever, they’re apparently a pretty popular thing. Usually there is some kind of sexual connotation to it, sometimes not so much.
So yeh anyways, I got a few replies to my ad and one of the dudes came by tonight, he was a big ( 300+ pound) dude. We talk to the guy a little bit and he’s tellin us about his martial arts experiance and the stuff he’s trained in, etc etc.
It was all non-bullshido approved styles like hapkido and kempo and some southern style of kung fu, shotokan, etc.
I was feeling a little sick at my stomach so i let ashly take first crack. She does three rounds with the guy and basically tears him up with boxing. You could kind of see that the guy had some martial arts experiance because of the stuff he was trying but he didnt accomplish anything.
So then I go three rounds and I should have been arrested for murder because I totally killed the guy. Couple leg kick knock downs, a few flying knees to the kidney (he was tall!) all kinds of good stuff. He hit me one time in the face with a jab in three rounds, so pretty solid.
So then ashly goes another round or two and just tees off with the leg kicks and knocks the guy down from leg kicks several times, she was brutal.
So yeh then we wrap up and the guy pays me 120 bucks.
Not that I wouldn’t do it for the right ammount of money.
This one dude was going to pay me 250 bucks to kick him in the nuts but he wanted me to paint my toenails. So I was like ok…why not…So i paintedmy toenails blue and the dude comes over and has me kick a thai pad for him so I kick it and he’s like uhm…that might be a little much, can you just punch me in the nuts instead? So I upper cut the guy in the nuts and make my 250 bucks.
The downside was that I didnt have nail polish remover and got made fun of at the gym
If they knew you made the $250 for punching some weirdo in the jewels, I doubt that they would be making fun. This is so cool. Keep on telling us good stories. I swear this is a fricken movie waiting to happen. Damn if I could write…
Actually i told everyone in the gym about it before it was supposed to go down and they thought it was great
This other time this dude flew me out to chicago, offered me 150 bucks, and bought me a super expensive ass dinner from this $100+ entree place.
So I fly out there and hang out in my hotel for a while and then the dude takes me out to dinner and it was awesome (I had sweetbreads, tasty ) So then we head back to my hotel room and the dude decides he doesnt actually want to fight full out but he wants to grapple. So I grapple with the guy for about 30 minues or whatever and he gives me my money and the next day he drops me off in downtown chicago and i hang out for a while and catch the train to the plane and back home I go.
Not a sanctioned event so it isn’t like it is a “pro” event even though she is making some cash. She could beat someone about the head with a crowbar for 50k and still be an amateur.
Shit man. I can somehow see this going places. Seriously. Contact an agent and get this made into a script and send this off to CA. Of course they’ll get that chick who does all the Evil Dead movies to star in it, but it would still rock.
edit: not evil dead…I can’t remember the name of the movies…zombies…made into a video game…Resident Evil???
Most of the guys that have approached me or ashly for this sort of thing try and frame it like they want to have a real match and hence avoid talk of a fetishy nature.