I IZ Sponzor Rulz NO Apply...Oh Wait.

[QUOTE=bobyclumsyninja;2529539]Welcome to Bullshido.

Many posters here train in, or have trained in _wing _un(g). It’s not that bringing it up, will bring on flaming, but arguing that it’s effective outside of controlled settings (compliant, overly restrictive, or non-resistant training), will certainly provoke counter-arguments and from there, everyone starts calling everyone Hitler, and rapists.

Wing Chun is understood by many to be an antiquated, impractical and more importantly, incomplete art. Training in it is ok, but flamewars start when people claim they have the d3adly.

Enjoy the site, use the search function, it is your friend.[/QUOTE]

You sir are a nazi rapist.

[QUOTE=Like_A_Boss;2529549]You sir are a nazi rapist.[/QUOTE]

Is that one that rapes nazis, or a nazi who rapes? How do insult?

[QUOTE=kenny_free;2529550]Is that one that rapes nazis, or a nazi who rapes? How do insult?[/QUOTE]


:yuno: Y u make me confused

[QUOTE=Like_A_Boss;2529549]You sir are a nazi rapist.[/QUOTE]
So you insult the d3adly?

WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH Triangle stance, Chainpunches, downward elbows, spike-breaking,
@ the OP: If you’re skin is thicker than that, you’ll be fine.

Reality pulled a dirty one on _wing _hun, via mma. It’s not so s3cret…the new d3adly. It’s a worldwide sport.


cuz Ving Tsun told us to.

[QUOTE=Like_A_Boss;2529549]You sir are a nazi rapist.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously.

Don’t Godwin the Chun threads, man. Jesus, they are bad enough as it is.

Fake, you don’t have the power to move threads made by a Sponsor. You need a quorum from the Admin forum to do this.
Now, move it back, I says.

my wife and i are watching a “full house” marathon, and we’re keeping score of which one of danny’s daughters is the biggest bitch.

this thread is gayer than my activities today.

[QUOTE=STB’A;2529686]my wife and i are watching a “full house” marathon, and we’re keeping score of which one of danny’s daughters is the biggest bitch.[/QUOTE]
You’re doing what? hahahaha

this thread is gayer than my activities today.

No…no it isn’t.

whatever, you’re just jealous.

IiF didn’t move a thread, he moved a post. A post that was completely inappropriate and off topic.

So… what you’re telling me is that Sponsors DON’T get to do whatever we want whenever we want? You bunch of fascists.

Nobody gets what they really want around here, not even Phrost.

Speaking personally, I want the ability to ask assholes to step outside without the threat of legal action afterward.

I’m not getting that.

Dude, you are like the golden mechanic cats at the china-shop.
You know, those with the everwaving arm.

You scare the shit out of me.

[QUOTE=PizDoff;2529733]IiF didn’t move a thread, he moved a post. A post that was completely inappropriate and off topic.[/QUOTE]
Knock Knock.

just to let you guys know, at the end of the all day full house marathon, stephanie was deemed the biggest bitch of the 3 daughters.

[QUOTE=STB’A;2529701]whatever, you’re just jealous.[/QUOTE]
If you’d said you and the wife had told the kids you’d be watching full house, and then played Bob Saget standup uncensored…I’d be jealous.

As it is, I’m glad I got to go and sing for the people, and not watch poor Bob, struggle with his Tourette’s syndrome in a family comedy.

Disney comes across like raunchy porn, compared to Full House.