I trained here under proctor and he was constantly getting technique off of his computer and then running out on the mat to try to practice it before teaching it. Does that sound like a black belt? Also his professor came once a year to collect money for paid belts at the seminars at 75 dollars a pop. How can you get promoted by someone who lives all the way acros the US? proctor rips off his students after kicking them out, by trying to hit their bank acounts for money after he kicks them out. This guy is a real POS and everyone needs to know to avoid this place like the plague! It is the definition of a MCDOJO!
[QUOTE=mcdojokiller;2765006]I trained here under proctor and he was constantly getting technique off of his computer and then running out on the mat to try to practice it before teaching it. Does that sound like a black belt? Also his professor came once a year to collect money for paid belts at the seminars at 75 dollars a pop. How can you get promoted by someone who lives all the way acros the US? proctor rips off his students after kicking them out, by trying to hit their bank acounts for money after he kicks them out. This guy is a real POS and everyone needs to know to avoid this place like the plague! It is the definition of a MCDOJO![/QUOTE]
Do you have any proof of your allegations? MABS is not the place for hearsay.
I suggest you read the stickies(they’ll say something like READ ME!!) at the top of the forum to understand the proper way to do things here.
[QUOTE=Soldiermedic;2765014]Do you have any proof of your allegations? MABS is not the place for hearsay.
I suggest you read the stickies(they’ll say something like READ ME!!) at the top of the forum to understand the proper way to do things here.[/QUOTE]
What sort of proof would you like? Its known by anyone who goes to there that this is the way you get promotions, by paying 75 bucks. Everyone gets promoted on the same night. There curriculum is sold for 300 dollars and you arent supposed to get promoted without buying the dvds. How would you like proof of that?
I recently left Bjj Tacoma and “coach” Michael Proctor to train elsewhere. I did this as part of a decision I had to make in which I was told that if i wanted to be friends with people outside of his school, who he had past problems with for whichever reason and had left his academy, that I was not welcome to train there anymore. My Bjj coach just gave me a ultimatum, stay at a gym I’ve seen dozens of people leave all due to disagreements with coach michael proctor and who i see blow up on his students over the smallest of things, then call them students out in front of the class when they are not there. and watch this cycle repeat forever. or I could stop being friends with people who have helped me throughout my Jiu Jitsu career and have never gave me a reason to dislike them. i see them at local tournaments and wish them good luck. and i was told I’m fraternizing with other schools. this is what brought the whole ultimatum down was at a tournament in which i saw my old classmates who coach proctor now hates and claims owe him money. in which the other party says not. besides the point. their issue now became me having to choose between losing a lot of friends who all have had multiple issues with coach proctor or my school… This is ridiculous and childish. it should never have gotten to the point where a bjj instructor is so far involved in a students personal life as to tell them who they can and cannot be friends with. I go to class to train and leave all of life’s drama at the door. But since training there all there was was drama in the gym of who today mikey is having an issue with or how somebody else is out to screw him over. i was prepaid on my contract with the academy and still had several months still paid in advance. coach proctor told me if i wanted to stay friends with those people and he named 4 people that i wasn’t welcome to train there. i told him im still prepaid for a few months and he said he would send me a cashiers check in the mail as i told him I’m not willing to stop being friends with them. i never received any cashiers check, after a month of leaving i asked michael proctor via text for the money and his reply was, Your friends with people who owe me money. get it from them. I have texts to prove this!!! Unbelievable actions from a man who wants bjj community support and to make a good reputation for his academy.
As for his black belt that is in many discussions here. i cannot tell you how long he has been training or anything about his jiu jitsu career. i can tell you that i started in november 2011. In january 2012 there was a marcello Monteiro seminar in which i paid $75 to go to where everybody was given a promotion including Michael proctor who went from a no stripe brown belt to a 2 stripe brown belt. then again in november 2012 there was another seminar in which I paid $75 to go to. everybody was given a promotion except me and another guy but i was given my blue belt the next class after the seminar which made no sense to me, but ok. and Michael proctor recieved his Black belt. so i was there a little more than a year and watched him go from a no stripe brown belt to a black belt while only seeing his instructor at those two events and not rolling with any upper-belt other than the ones hes promoted. I’ve also never seen him compete but have been to several tournament where the opportunity was there for him to. As to say he doesn’t deserve it or isn’t at that level is up to you to go decide. I know he can beat me at jiu jitsu right now so hes definitely an upper belt. I’m just trying to help out anybody on here who is trying to put a timeline together. but i suggest you go test the belt for yourself. I’m sure you wont be disappointed in your thoughts. lol I’m here to Raise awareness of all the Drama and problems that loom around this guy and i hope nobody else goes to train under him. He is a loose cannon and a very untrustworthy guy. AVOID!!!
So in looking at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu of Tacoma’s FB page he is now going by the title of “PROFESSOR MICHAEL PROCTOR.” Can someone please explain how being a black belt automatically gives you that title? I know a lot of great black belts that own their own amazing schools that don’t go by Professor. Seems a bit egotistical.
In Brazil you call your trainer Professor… they might just kept with the tradition.
I iz a idiot
[QUOTE=Bjjfollower;2765399]So in looking at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu of Tacoma’s FB page he is now going by the title of “PROFESSOR MICHAEL PROCTOR.” Can someone please explain how being a black belt automatically gives you that title? I know a lot of great black belts that own their own amazing schools that don’t go by Professor. Seems a bit egotistical.[/QUOTE]
This guy is the definition of egotistical. If you knew him you would see that. His training is basically avoiding compitition, teaching from the internet and having his profesor come once a year to do a seminar, then he gets promoted and promotes who ever pays 75 dollars to get a promotion also. He also promotes all his ass kissers as quickly as he can since he is always kicking out anyone that has made him out to be a fraud. He has the worst reputation around and continues to add to that rep by being a douchbag and a scum sucking asshole. He will tell everyone that people owe him money when he kicks people out for not kissing his ass or not being mind washed. More and more people will read this thread and leave his school and I know people who have avoided that place from searching online and finding out he was a joke. These places should be exposed for what they are…
I also used to train at BJJ Tacoma. My story is similar to Getthetruthout. I’m pretty sure Getthetruhout and I are friends. I left the gym back in July 2012 and I asked for a refund of my seminar fee for the seminar in November. To this date Coach Proctor never refunded my $75. I could care less about the money, but I think people need to know some of the truth. Keep in mind this is my individual experience, but I did spend a lot of time after class hanging with the team and you should have heard the shit he would talk about his students when he believed he was among “friends.” I was there, this was my experience.
Here is a cut and paste from the email he sent me.
to me
Are you serious? I’ve already ordered the apparel. The seminar refunds will happen in November after the Professor leaves. What is your problem? If you would like to streamline your issue speak to me face to face. You have a lot to learn about respect in the BJJ Community.
Here is a cut and paste from the email he sent me.
to me
Are you serious? I’ve already ordered the apparel. The seminar refunds will happen in November after the Professor leaves. What is your problem? If you would like to streamline your issue speak to me face to face. You have a lot to learn about respect in the BJJ Community.[/QUOTE]
The part where he says " would you like to streamline your issues and speak to me face to face" is EXACTLY what he said to me when I was leaving this dive. Proctor is so predictable and he clearly doesnt know the first thing about “respect in the BJJ community” as he has zero respect for anyone. All you have to do is meet this twat to know that he is a shady fuck. He has stolen money from countless people (some that just dont want to post here because they feel he isnt worth their time) and continues to use the same tactics as he has done this kind of stuff to so many people. KEEP POSTING HERE! Get the truth out (lol) if we must! FUCK THIS GUY, COST HIM AS MANY STUDENTS AS WE CAN BY SPREADING THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS MCDOJO!
You dumbass
If you want to remain posting in MABS, you better understand that the above posts DO NOT meet the standards required of that area of the site.
You’ve made an open accusation of theft, I suggest you pull your fingers out from your ass and provide some form of foundation for that accusation.
The guy in question may well be a total fucking douche bag, but you cannot go around posting that bullshit and expect to get away with it.
So, have you any evidence to support your accusation of theft ?
Here is a link so you guys can hear it straight from the horses mouth. Read about how he thinks he wishes it was 10 years ago where nobody can post any truth about his fraudulent activities and questionable business practices. This is written by proctor himself and he talks about how much he thinks of this site and it really shows just how self centered this POS is. Dont read while standing, you might fall over from laughing!
[QUOTE=mcdojokiller;2770004]Here is a link so you guys can hear it straight from the horses mouth. Read about how he thinks he wishes it was 10 years ago where nobody can post any truth about his fraudulent activities and questionable business practices. This is written by proctor himself and he talks about how much he thinks of this site and it really shows just how self centered this POS is. Dont read while standing, you might fall over from laughing!
http://www.mproctorbjj.blogspot.com/[/QUOTE]I’m not overly bothered about the content of your post specifically, however, it’s clear to me you carry an agenda and perhaps some angst toward Proctor, I’ve already has cause to issue you with an infraction against your account for shit posting elswhere on the site.
You’re on my radar. Chill the fuck out.
So what proof do you need. The man never refunded my money. That was my only point. I cord the email he sent to me. I’m not going to post my bank statements but he did not refund my money. Hearsay evidence is usually not first hand information. I am posting direct evidence. Regardless of his credentials he did not refund my money, that is a fact. Please let me know how I can provide evidence that meets your standard.
[QUOTE=bolo1g2;2770292]So what proof do you need. The man never refunded my money. That was my only point. I cord the email he sent to me. I’m not going to post my bank statements but he did not refund my money. Hearsay evidence is usually not first hand information. I am posting direct evidence. Regardless of his credentials he did not refund my money, that is a fact. Please let me know how I can provide evidence that meets your standard.[/QUOTE]Show me some form of contract where it states that money paid would be refunded.
That would be a start.
None the less, I wonder if you’ve questioned why “mcdojokiller” was banned yesterday ?
Let me front that retort, I spoke at length with Proctor yesterday and although I don’t claim to ‘know’ him from just that dialogue, he was happy to provide me with information which confirmed my suspicions about the motives and personal agenda mcdojokiller was expressing on this site.
I made it clear to Proctor that I neither condone or support the content of the thread and the alleged issues surrounding him being brought to this site’s attention. Indeed at the time I was on operational duty in the Middle East thus had no direct input in the thread at all however; this site does not exist to allow cheap-shots at anyone or, further the personal spite of one or a group of individuals against another. That’s just fucking bullshit and I personally won’t tolerate that.
After I made some investigations on mcdojokiller’s account, and, given the information he gave me shortly after, which Proctor has since made public on his academy’s Facebook page, I was in no doubt that mcdojokiller was one of those people recently expelled from Proctor’s school.
Funny how those individuals were more than happy to train with Proctor when they were in his favour, yet jump at the first opportunity to stab the guy in the back when he fucks them off [and the reasons are entirely between him and his now ex-students]
This site should not be their means of stabbing the guy in the back out of nothing but spite - that’s double fucking standards right there on their part.
Now… If you’re one of the three people named on Proctor’s school’s Facebook page and you’ve come here to sound off against the guy, think again.
I’m not defending Proctor, he may be responsible for everything claimed within the 2009 thread, that aside, personal bullshit will not be tolerated.
Now, back to you directly.
As I stated, provide some form of document which binds Proctor to legally providing you with a refund of your money, if you have nothing to this effect, you’re wasting your time. He may be guilty of poor business practice but unless there’s more to your beef than an email, get over it and move on.
How much money are we actually talking about there anyway ?
Scratch my last question, I just re-read your earlier post.
When did you pay the cash,
Why did you not attend the Seminar, was that because you’d left his school beforehand,
What discussion did you have with Proctor in relation to the money,
Do you have the full email he sent you, including the headers,
Can you print the original email he sent, scan it then post in here as an image.
Lastly, I get that you’re unhappy and perhaps pissed off with the guy. have you tried just going to his school with a friendly attitude and discussing it with him. If that’s not possible, please explain, in detail why.
I am not one of the three people named in proctors fb post. Mike, juan or navi. I am a former student of his. You said you spoke to proctor the other day. I would like the same opportunity. I can answer all of your questions ns and print, scan, and post the email. My main hesitance in talking to proctor is that he fabricates and manipulates stories to favor him. Again with regard to these posts i don’t need to post on his thread about whether he’s a legit instructor, all are free to decide for themselves. My main point is he did not follow up on refunding my money.
Ok mate,
Fair enough, I think the point has been made.
I’ll move your original post on the subject back to the Proctor thread. No need for further posts or scans.
After reading this string again, I do think that Getthetruthout makes some good points too and would encourage his post be placed back into the original thread as well. But I appreciate your listening to my position. Hopefully the public will make up their own minds.