That’s basically how long it’s taken me to start this thread.
I started it on my 37th birthday. I figured, what could be a better way of celebrating your birthday than going on the internet and attracting abuse from people you’ve never met? I kind of lost interest half way through though. Actually I’ve never fully regained that interest, but I thought I’d finish the job.
I know nothing about martial arts.
I sometimes like to tell lies and then be called out on them.
Here’s some fucking good advice.
Your first post to this forum hasn’t bode well for you. Continue and things will not end well.
EDIT: Moved from Noobietown
Is that secret ninja English?
[QUOTE=thrutch;2614943]Is that secret ninja English?[/QUOTE]
lol wut?
It hurt. I wondered if he’d, you know, done something?
That’s a “yes” then, right?
Welcome to your very own Trollshido thread.
Heed the warning which has come your way and never post this sort of fucking drivel in Noobietown again.
Even you’d have to admit though - this thread was better before you posted in it.
What was that “ashamed to be British” stuff? Is that a visitor message? Or something else entirely? Either way, you should feel no shame on my behalf - after all, it’s only words on the internet.
Word of the day.
> 1. Thrutch
[B]64[/B] up,
[B]15[/B] down
The name given to the "pressure" applied to the internal muscles required to push out a turd.
"That curry had me thrutching like fuck the next day."
"I thrutched so hard I nearly popped my grapes."
"A night with big Jake left Wendy with no requirement to thrutch on her next visit to the lavatory."
Mikey Lit's Jan 23, 2004
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2. Thrutch
[B]16[/B] up,
[B]6[/B] down
making a grunting noise and doing a strenuous movement, requiring a lot of strength.
often used in climbing, rugby, and pooping.
(Dennis the climbing instructor:THRUTCH! GIVE IT SOME BEEF!
*climber thrutches,reaches out for next handhold, legs start to shake from the strain, and they only just get the handhold*
(Dennis:nice on, good thrutching there!