Yeah, if you’re this guy:
In the States it’s spelt check.
Yeah, if you’re this guy:
In the States it’s spelt check.
You better cheque yourself before you wreque yourself.
CCleaner guys. Download and install!
Bonzai Buddy too!
Pffftt downloading, its all about the streaming goodness now days. So did you still fix the computer then? or was it just to wrecked and you got your coming out fee? :happy8:
We all know who this story is really about don’t we, it’s a pretty transparent cry for help. Come on Sirc, admit it, you’re the old woman aren’t you?
did you get his number? i bet he’s up for tea and Transformers…
I think you should have kept your lip zipped, just because of the “friend of a client” part.
RE the city council guy, man I’m pretty sure I would have had some fun with that guy before reporting him.
A fair number of straight women like gay porn.
I’m thinking that sirc actually found the old ladies wank stash, and she just freaked out and tried to blame it on her grandson.
Yeah, that visual is my present to you. Merry christmas.
Somehow, I knew this was a Sirc thread before I even opened it.
I’m not impressed that you can read the “posted by” column.
I have to admit I thought the “proof” would be more undercover in nature. . . so to speak.
Should’ve lied to her. I’m straight and don’t necessarily want my grandmother or anyone else finding my stash of porn. If I were gay, then it would take a mildly embarrassing scenario and turn it into a life changing nightmare. Wrong call dude.
The posted by column doesn’t show on the main forums page that displays the most recently posted in threads of each subforum.
Ditto. I wouldn’t want my mother or one of my sisters to find my stash of porn, or anything to do with my sex life at all. When my g/f and I moved together, my mom offered help in moving some of the stuff, and alas, by the Gods of Murphy, one stupid gym bag had a bag of condoms that fell on the floor. She picked it up and put it back in the gym back, trying to be discrete, but my g/f and I saw that she saw them. No matter how much of an adult we are, it’s still uncomfortable.
Some things are best kept secret.
I cannot even phatom what the dude is going to feel like when he’s confronted. He’s basically now facing a turning point (and perhaps a point of no return) in his life and in his relation with his family. This could have been a very hilarious episode in Seinfield or “Married With Children”, but Jesus Christ, this is real life.
I really hope this was a joke. Otherwise, you should have tried your best to keep it quiet… me thinks.
If I were a closet gay, the last thing I would want my grandma to know if that I like it in the pooper. Period. :XXjester:
She doesn’t actually HAVE to confront him.
Yeah but,
She left the room and called her Daughter to break the news to her.
If true it is probably a done deal.
I know that, but I’m saying the old woman’s reaction is not 100% SS’s responsibility. Him “outing” the guy to his grandma is NOT outing him to the world unless she chooses it.
(and come on the daughter just about has to know)
That’s all fine, EXCEPT when you use HER computer to compile your porn stash. God knows I wouldn’t want my grandmother to poke through my hard drive, and she wouldn’t even have to get to the porn. The calls for the violent overthrow of the government and the plans for my sovereign nation compound in Montana would probably be enough to cause me problems.
But that’s on MY computer using MY access. She’s got a right to know what’s on her machine, especially when what’s on her machine is screwing it up and keeping it from working for her purposes. It’s conceivable that he could get it so loaded with malware and spyware that it would either slow down or refuse to display HER porn properly, and THEN where would she be?
I didn’t make an effort to say anything to her. She was sitting there with me at the time. It’s not like I go around saying, “HEY! I FOUND YOUR SON’S PORN STASH! CHECK OUT THIS SHIT! SHE’S TAKING 4 PENISES IN HER MOUTH! HOLY FUCK!”
Normally I just keep quiet, delete it, and move on. Normally, people read threads before they respond too since I’m pretty sure I"m just repeating myself again.