"I heard" I bumped

I know you are a troll. There we can leave it here.

Go read the rules all you are going to do is end up with a temp ban because, you have no idea how ignorant you look right now.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2523939]Jerry Laurita is a Brown Belt under MEgaton. I KNOW.

There you go. Now you can move it back.[/QUOTE]

The moon is made of green cheese. I KNOW!

Your assertion is not proof. Unless you are Megaton and can provide proof of that then your word is worth exactly nothing. If Jerry Laurita wants to demonstrate the legitimacy of his brown belt he’ll need to provide proof of it, some random person saying “He’s legit!” has exactly as much weight around here as some nameless person saying “He’s a fake!”. Which is to say, none.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2523939]Jerry Laurita is a Brown Belt under MEgaton. I KNOW.

There you go. Now you can move it back.[/QUOTE]
Please take a course or read a book on the subject of critical thinking, and possibly one on reading comprehension.

You need help in this area.

You guys take “Bored Internet Nerds” to a whole new level.

If you want to know if Jerry was with Megaton for many years. Ask Meg.


I’m done with this thread.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2523971]You guys take “Bored Internet Nerds” to a whole new level.

If you want to know if Jerry was with Megaton for many years. Ask Meg.


I’m done with this thread.[/QUOTE]
You represent what is wrong with the American education system. You don’t even know how to understand logical debate and argument. Your lack of knowledge, education and inability to withstand mild abuse is duly noted.

I guess I got my brown belt in BJJ by being a bored internet nerd. Oh wait, that’s completely false. I got it by working my ass off on the mat.

You just bragged about your “other largest mma forum” and we are Bored Internet Nerds?
[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2523971]You guys take “Bored Internet Nerds” to a whole new level.
Now, this is real irony.

[QUOTE=jnp;2523977]You represent what is wrong with the American education system. You don’t even know how to understand logical debate and argument. Your lack of knowledge, education and inability to withstand mild abuse is duly noted.

I guess I got my brown belt in BJJ by being a bored internet nerd. Oh wait, that’s completely false. I got it by working my ass off on the mat.[/QUOTE]

Well I got my BB from the brother of the man who gave you your Brown. But now I guess you have made it so we will never be cool.

Good going slick.

Now you get to the fun part. You’re claiming to have a black belt in (I assume) brazillian jiujitsu. You’ll need to provide proof of that (And you’ll get a shiny BJJ Black Belt Tag) or retract your statement, or face a ban from the site for making claims without proof.

Have fun!

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2524003]Well I got my BB from the brother of the man who gave you your Brown. But now I guess you have made it so we will never be cool.

Good going slick.[/QUOTE]

Well my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s second cousin’s old college roommate’s uncle thinks you’ve got the IQ of a peanut. So there.


I’m done with this thread.[/QUOTE]
You lied.

This is an important point worth noting. This site serves a very specific purpose. To weed out Bullshit in the martial arts. As such, we value accredited people and tangible proof. The reason you are being flamed is because you offer none of this. Then when asked for it, you reveal yourself as the 14 year old kid you are with your “Be nice to me!” and “I said so on the int4rw3b, which makes it true!” mindset.

We are not here to be nice. We are not here to be a catalog of MA schools of any kind. We are here for proof.

It also should be noted that the last part of the above quote is also true. Those who come on this site to bash such-and-such-instructor/school/art are also asked for proof and denied credibility if they lack it.

We try to be a remedy to the principal failing of the internet. Namely, that anyone can say whatever they want to without substantiation, and people like you with no indepedent thinking ability whatsoever will believe it. Either bring evidence (and no, links to a person’s website don’t count) that backs up your argument, or spend more time learning than talking.

Except you of course. We trust you. Give me a break.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2524003]Well I got my BB from the brother of the man who gave you your Brown. But now I guess you have made it so we will never be cool.

Good going slick.[/QUOTE]
You’re a Machado student too? Can you tell me which brother you got your black belt from?

I freely admit that I was trolling you to elicit a response. I was interested in how you reacted, and also because I’m a shallow asshole. How a poster reacts to being insulted on this forum is often an accurate predictor of how long he or she will stay on the boards.

Your non-flaming response indicates you might do well here. I apologize for insulting you personally. Please understand that you did violate the rules of more than one forum, however. Reading the stickies in each of the individual sub-forums will go a long way in making the forum more pleasant. There are forums that are barely moderated, such as YMAS and this one, Trollshido. Others are heavily policed, like MABS and Advanced Grappling.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2524003]Well I got my BB from the brother of the man who gave you your Brown. But now I guess you have made it so we will never be cool.

Good going slick.[/QUOTE]
You’re a Machado student too? Can you tell me which brother you got your black belt from?

I freely admit that I was trolling you to elicit a response. I was interested in how you reacted, and also because I’m a shallow asshole. How a poster reacts to being insulted on this forum is often an accurate predictor of how long he or she will stay on the boards.

Your non-flaming response indicates you might do well here. I apologize for insulting you personally. Please understand that you did violate the rules of more than one forum, however. Reading the stickies in each of the individual sub-forums will go a long way in making the forum more pleasant. There are forums that are barely moderated, such as YMAS and this one, Trollshido. Others are heavily policed, like MABS and Advanced Grappling.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2524003] But now I guess you have made it so we will never be cool.

Good going slick.[/QUOTE]
Just wear sunglasses indoors…at night.

[QUOTE=AZBJJ;2523939]Jerry Laurita is a Brown Belt under MEgaton. I KNOW.

There you go. Now you can move it back.[/QUOTE]

Was it a Freudian slip that you capitalized the ME in Megaton? Did you actually give him the black belt? Do you have any right to award black belts?


The same thing happens to me when I post offtopic stupid shit in threads. [/QUOTE]

… but then you learned what trollshido was for.

[QUOTE=soldiermedic25;2524064]Was it a Freudian slip that you capitalized the ME in Megaton? Did you actually give him the black belt? Do you have any right to award black belts?[/QUOTE]You know what is funny? Jerry, according to his website, is now a 3rd degree. So, his post is even more irrelevant and never should have been posted in MABS. No one questioned the Brown Belt they questioned the BB.

He called people keyboard warriors right off the bat before, any insults were leveled at him. He will not do well until, he learns how to read and follow rules.

Why is it that every Troll-n00b says exactly the same thing? I mean, you could look up the threads started by 50 random n00bs and if you didn’t attach the names to it, you would not be able to tell them apart.

Maybe it’s just the same really bored guy going from library to library making new accounts?