I haz teh r3al botta segretta

…And for a small fee of $500 dollars you too can know the perfect thrust. It was taught to me a by a mysterious Frenchman who had survived over 5000!!! duels. Unfortunately though none of them were ever documented and he has since passed on because of spontaineous combustion.

If you want the perfect edge for a duel your never going to fight call me at 1800-FULLA-CRAPPA to schedule an insanely overpriced seminar or private lesson NOW!


Don’t start shit threads in these forums, if you want to make yourself look an ass do it in YMAS.

You’ve been here long enough to know how this place works.

[quote=Hugo Stiglitz;2411330]Tyresmann,

Don’t start shit threads in these forums, if you want to make yourself look an ass do it in YMAS.

You’ve been here long enough to know how this place works.[/quote]

Ha, maybe I’m putting my own perceptions into this but it looks like Tyre is actually addressing a prevalent issue among the WMA community that arises from self-proclaimed “heritage” of skill in certain arts that actually has no documented basis.

When a certain fencing “master” comes around calling himself a master and then claims that he learned it all from his unbroken lineage of whatever family when in fact all he had was some sport fencing experience, he goes around advertising his “lineage” and then makes a school for the less informed.

Either way, it does seem like Tyre is just trying to screw with things.

I’m not really interested in what he’s attempting to “address”

If he want’s to do that, no problem, just don’t post it in 'tard style in the TMA forums. That’s what YMAS is for.

Maybe this thread can be saved with a random link to some “botte segrete”.
Very interesting excursus on the history of secret thrusts.


Or, “translated” (meh) but without pictures:

[quote=Hugo Stiglitz;2411334]I’m not really interested in what he’s attempting to “address”

If he want’s to do that, no problem, just don’t post it in 'tard style in the TMA forums. That’s what YMAS is for.[/quote]

Actually it looks like what I did is acidentally copy and paste half the stuff I had written for the post. As you can see it was late and I obviously rushed it.

I had been intending to start thread about marketing methods that historical masters used. From what I understand the “Perfect Thrust” is one of them. What you see in the opening post was intended as a joke. If things had gone according to plan there would’ve a short paragraph following it about how the idea of a “Perfect Thrust” was used by some fencing teachers as a marketing gimmick and then I would’ve inquired about what other marketing methods historical teachers would have used.

You want a tissue to dry those eyes ?
