Hey Guys,

OFF topic, but somewhat on topic posting here (re; subject of Mr Sonnon).

It’s funny in following Sonnon over the years how well he has repackaged almost all his initial materials, all derived from his study of ROSS a Russian Martial Art, into very clever marketing niche’s today.

Almost every single exercise in all his new releases can be found in his original Zdorovye series. It’s almost worth me keeping the video’s for that reason, but that’s another story.

I have in my collection from his earlier works:

Zdorovye, breathing, movement, function series ( I think 9 VHS video’s in all)

Warrior Wellness - Now intu-flow and ageless mobility (has his reset and breathing methods)

Be Breathed

Grappler’s toolbox - transformed into multiple different offshoots

Flow Fit 1 DVD’s- basic body weight exercises

Softwork and Integrating structure DVD’s

and a few others that I don’t remember the specific names to. One of them was his first seminar in CST which he renamed to something funky. I’ll have to wait till I get home to make note of the name. All in all they’re are over 30 VHS/DVD’s in total, and I’m quite happy and willing to let them all go for $99.00 + shipping to wherever you are at.

If you want to know what near 99% of his exercises are about, the Zdorovye and Grappler’s toolbox have most of them, save the Prasara Yoga stuff which is a combo of Yogo plus bodyflow principles.

PM me if you’re interested in picking these up. There’s some good stuff here, and you won’t have to pay the exorbitant prices he’s asking for now, with his fancy marketing scheme’s :slight_smile:


George, your pm is not enabled, and you are trying to sell product in an investigatory thread. One week temp ban.

Hi GeorgeF,

Was wondering if you still had those tapes up for sale please let me know…

Thanks In Advance