I have to earn my Bachelor's why am I posting here?

How about someone from Bullshido.net puts up a challenge to Pizzo (especially Omega)? I believe there are some First Class ass-kickers that work as Mods/Admins here that would tie Pizzo in a knot!



BORING!!! How bout YOU challenge Pizzo?

Or, you could learn to read date stamps, either way…

Boring response in 3…2…1…:new_sleep

Happy to oblige.

The staff will be with you shortly. While waiting, please feel free to necro threads in YMAS or TS so we can flame the hell out of you.

Thank you.

Sorry, not gonna happen. Got better things to do. Like earning a degree that’ll have me OWNING a restaurant instead of busing the dishes. Sound familiar?

Sounds like a 16 year old with delusions of adequacy, who has not had his pathetic dreams crushed by the reality of his own incompetance.

And, I figured that out from just a couple of posts.

Lol… Oh, i can tell. I’m sure the McDonalds you open will be very succesful.

Why are you still in MABS? I mean, job bitching is really a Shido topic, surely?

Thread moved from MABS to YMAS.
Original title: “order now!”

I was wondering where you were, tom.

And yet you found the time to read through an old thread and resurrected it for the sole purpose of…ummmm…why the hell did you raise this topic back from the dead? Was the dinner shift slow at Denny’s?

No, just a larger penis.

Instead of flaming like a chick on the cotton pony, you could have simply gave me a link.
To be honest, Psych 101 at the college DOES suck a bit, you know.

I was wiping you off my shoulder, but oh yeah, the Five Star fine dining establishment I open in Vegas will kick ass! I’ll send you a personal invitation.:5bye:

Come back when your balls drop you contemptible little shit stain.

A person too lazy to read dates opening a restaurant?

Yes, I’m sure your endeavour will be a roaring success, what could possibly go wrong!

Lol, Like i’d ever come to vegas to get a five star meal. Or any meal, for that matter.

If it was a cake convention and it was all you can eat for syb only? Wouldn’t this sound tempting?
And if it is a real five star restaurant (btw. the michilan system which is the top for rating restaurants, only goes up to three, but I am not passing any judgement here, America … Vegas…) They deliver world wide, free of charge. If not the guy should shut the fuck up and go back to work at McDonalds or Wendys (I say they are even worse than McDs)

I can’t wait for the day Marleau gets his degree and realises that a piece of paper won’t make him less of a retard.