What’s your Plan B?
Well, I’m hysterically curious. What sort of taiji do you do and where are you studying it? Also, did your teacher tell you that taiji means “grand ultimate”?
Who told you that? In the old days mixed martial arts meant a fight between two styles. Now it means the use of multiple martial arts, trained in combination, to encompass all the ranges of unarmed combat. It hasn’t ever really meant simply training multiple martial arts simultaneously.
He hasn’t told you what kind? How do you know he’s not just making it up as he goes along because being called shifu is the only way he can get an erection since the Grenada invasion when he was trapped in a horrible nutmeg warehouse fire?
Could you direct me to one of these advertisements?
Does he have a website?
A gym or location? (Presumably not the park.)
A surname?
What is the name and location of your TKD gym?
Okay, I’ll just assume that your teacher, should he even exist, is another lying piece of shit who learned his taiji from DVDs then, and that you’re just a mark for his crap.
I read perfectly well. Among the things I asked for:
a surname for his sifu
the name of the tai chi style he’s learning
the location of the school
any reference to this teacher actually existing (phonebook, etc.)
Only one of those things need involve his Korean instructor. He used it as a blanket excuse to be aloof and not address any of those questions. Well then, he’s lying, the end.
I made no reference to and have no strong or informed opinions about TKD. Indeed, that’s why I made no reference to his Korean stuff.
Read the whole thread.
I asked what style of tai chi he did. He said he didn’t know and that his teacher kept it a secret.
I asked for info about his tai chi teacher: website, surname, phonebook ad. He said his tai chi teacher didn’t have a website and just used flyers posted around his town. He pointedly ignored the surname thing. He did mention that his teacher didn’t believe in teaching in parks or using slow movements and whatnot.
I asked where his tai chi teacher taught. He said that the tai chi teacher rented space from his TKD teacher.
Then I asked after the school itself. He said he didn’t want to bring his TKD teacher into it.
I concluded, rightly, that his tai chi teacher either doesn’t exist or is a bullshit artist. No question I asked necessarily involved bringing the TKD teacher into anything. Indeed, a surname could have pretty much handled anything, but I guess “Sifu Dave” is just like Madonna or Cher. No surname needed.
Then you decided to clamp your hands over your eyes and just read whatever few words you managed to see through your fingers.
I ain’t the one who is full of shit around here. Good ol’ grandultimate though, apparently found a supersecret taiji teacher with the deadly real and an allergic reaction to lineage (an interestingly rare combination), and who, despite being reduced to soliciting students via flyers around town, actually teaches within the very same TKD gym that grandie also crosstrains that sport in.
Yeah. Very believable there. Want to buy a PDF pamphlet on hikuta fist while we’re at it? It’s a $175.00, but you can have a file of your very own for $200.
Really? Given the number of mistakes or inaccurate info you’ve acknowledged here, it shouldn’t be that unusual for you.
I showed my sifu the site and he told me it was to be expected. “Most people have a closed idea of what certain styles are”
Sure you did. Sure he did.
To answer Rivington’s questions:
His last name is Brown
Sifu David Brown. Thanks, I’ll start looking around for independent confirmation of his existence.
The style we are doing is actually San Shou with Tai Chi/Baqua base.
So, why did he tell you, when you asked the last time five months after you began training, that it was tai chi but that he obscured it to keep Westerners from being confused? Why not just say, you know, San Shou (which isn’t a style, but which does inform a certain strategy), as people all over the world do?
I mean, he’s being more honest with me, a stranger with a closed mind, then with someone who has been training with him for months and months?
The BJJ Purplebelt is not really a purple belt. I misheard him. He is a freestyle submission fighter.
You missheard “free-sti-el sub-mish-un res-sler” as “bee bee jay pur-pul belt”?
He wants to work on his stand up so he joined our group. He also does some muay thai but said it was not “authentic” Muay thai. Whatever that means.
As for everybody else. If I wish to talk about my training I would have brought it up on an actual thread.
You did bring it up. You said: " I do TKD, I want to get into MMA. My plan? Stay off the ground. I figure I do a mma already might as well make it official."
Nobody asked you about your training or anything like that. As far as anyone knew, you were posting as a fan of the sport or a fan of TKD or a fan of high kicks. The only responses before you bringing up your training involved naming two successful MMA fighters with TKD training.
From the actual thread: I never bother asking him what we were doing until 5 months into practice. He simply advetised it as Chinese Martial Arts. He told me when I asked “if you really have to know it is Tai Chi Chuan, but I do not like advertising it as such because most westerners mistake it for slow moving health exercises and that is only part of a much bigger equation.”
Sounds like a secret to me, especially since, as it turns out, it’s not tai chi chuan or not solely tai chi chuan! Good thing I was here, or poor grandie would never know what he was studying!
He didn’t say that shit either.
Yes he did. From the actual thread: No, it was a little flyer he put up around town.
And here’s the bit where he says the sifu is renting from the TKD instructor and where he doesn’t address the surname bit:
As far as the rest of the chest-beating, it bores me. You’re not shouting me down, you’re trying to shout down reality. That’s an automatic fail.
If I am unable to have a simple conversation, it is simply because it is difficult to have a simple conversation with someone who doesn’t know the answers to any reasonable questions, but who also seems to have the supreme confidence in his own ability or potential ability you showed re: your training.
I only knew David by his first name. He never gave us his last name just told us to call him David. My sabunim said I should call him sifu. So I did. After I got off this forum I asked him what his last name was and he told me.
Good for you. Personally, I never enter long-term business relationships with people whose surnames I don’t know. I find this to be true of the overwhelming majority of adults in the US, btw.
I told you he joked about the tai chi thing but you must have missed that.
Why do you think I missed it? Did I keep carrying on about it or anything? No. You gave a reasonable answer, so I dropped it.
I never said he did not believe in the slow moving techniques, just that we would be practicing those later.
I was summarizing a longish thread. At any rate, taiji is taught slowly at first for a very useful and practical reason, which is why I was curious about lineage. At any rate, there was hardly enough information to make it clear that you were learning how to fight under San Shou rules, especially since until today you didn’t seem to know that yourself. Given that the only source of information about you is you, what is your complaint? That I couldn’t divine accurate information about subjects you don’t know about yourself?
As for mentioning my practices I thought I would joke around a little. I guess you guys do not have a sense of humor. Maybe I insulted you in a previous lifetime Rivington but I do not need your grief. I did nothing to you.
You haven’t received any grief from me. And if people aren’t getting your jokes, there is at least an even chance that you are the one missing a sense of humor. I asked perfectly resonable questions and you gave evasive answers or non-answers. You didn’t even bother to say, for example, that you have no idea what your instructor’s surname is. You just ignored it. I didn’t ban you (and couldn’t and wouldn’t have even if I could), I didn’t call you retarded, I didn’t go off about the foolishness of TKD or the useless of taiji variations on sprawling,
all I did was take your answers to the perfectly reasonable questions I asked seriously.
Please attack those who need to be attacked I’ll be placing you on my ignore list from now on.
I see you have mastered the art of yielding-cum-passive-aggression. Have you ever heard of a bulletin board called emptyflower?
Stay here for a few days pussy.
Good for him. I asked about the style because I was curious about the style. I asked about a website or the ad the guy may have put up because I wanted to see if there was some info on those places that grandie didn’t have. I asked for a surname so I could try a Google search or two, or ask around. Got zippo in response.
I know David quite personally and now you’re just shitting on him because he doesn’t conform to your beliefs?
Boy, sounds like you should have said something about it a few days ago then if you had the inside scoop, eh? Wassamattah? Did he call you to complain?
As for his Sifu’s “surname” I think he already told you.
Yeah, in the last couple of hours. You’ve been complaining for longer than that. And he didn’t even say “I don’t know his surname, sorry” he just blew it off until this evening when he finally found out what the guy’s name is and was able to post it.
But yah, next time someone pops in and starts talking about his secret fast taichi with the occulted lineage and the one-name sifu and his plan to “get up off the ground” , I’ll be sure not to entertain, even for a moment, that the guy’s trolling.
Actually I had to call him and apologize. Fortunately he saw you as joke.
It smells like sex in here
I have a black dog. Medium-size, about forty-five pounds. One night back when I was living in Jersey City I was walking her around my block, which is also kind of dark, and I was wearing dark clothes myself. The dog was on my left, curbside.
As I turned the corner on the far end of my block, some guy swung out from the little well of steps used to get into a basement apartment and stopped in front of mem on my right side. He had one hand in his pocket and said, “Yo, motherfucker!”
My dog immediately went apeshit, barking, jumping and snapping. The guy pulled both hands out of his pocket, held out his palms, and said “Goooood evening!” over the barking. I smiled, pulled the dog back, and said, “How do you do?” and he said “Fine, thanks,” and then I completed my walk.
you could cut the hot steamy tension with a knife. You guys should stop fighting and start mackin’ out. It’s what you want. Oh what lulz.
Imagine what would have happened if you’d said HHH.