I have no honor...only pizza

sorry that sounds aggressive but this has really f*cked me off

Shodan, FirstStrike MMA

“If it doesn’t look right…it isn’t.” what bullsh*t you need to feel it to judge. There’s no point in arguing with you lot you’ve already made your minds up but we will SUE you for ruining our business with these poison words.

Take this topic off the board immediately or you’ll be hearing from our lawyers

Shodan, FirstStrike MMA

I know what first strike MMA can do we train with resisting partners and have wrestlers and MMA fighters visit us to train and all were impressed. You are the ones who need to feel it before you criticize.

You are admitting that you are writing these words to close our school down that’s just wrong our lawyers will eat you for breakfast. You are not qualified to judge our school without feeling the techniques for yourself.
Shodan, StrikeFirst MMA

I think it’s terrible that you guys here on this site act so smart ass when you haven’t even seen our teacher in real life.

Master Gordon and his wife are stand up people who work hard, train hard and treat all their students with decency and like part of the family.

My classmate posting above who sent me the link to here Honor1980 works doors and is always using his skills as part of his job.

You can’t tell him nothing coz he’s the guy out there putting it on the line.

You guys suck!

Hey one of the video’s posted up has me doing some sparring with Master Gordon and I don’t remember giving any of you guys the right to show it here.

Gabetuno I no exactly who you are you used to train at our dojo. You are not qualified to critique grappling you could not possibly have become an expert so quickly it takes years in ANY art. Feel free to come back to the dojo to put your theories to the test

Gabetuno you are so wrong I don’t no where to start. You weren’t even a good student when you did come to classes.

Who said that I never did!

Oooooh wow! A whole 6.5 months! If you have to add a ‘.5’ to your training time you haven’t been training nearly long enough to run your mouth.

Master Gordon has been training for 30 years.

So if you want to “close our school down” post it here in your OWN NAME and you’ll get your ass sued.

If this guy is who I’m thinking he is he barely lasted a few training sessions before he quit. He sparred once and said it was too much contact.

All the rest of you haters - kiss my ass. You don’t know a god damn thing about our Master.

PS. JP you couldn’t be more wrong about Honor, he’s one of Master Gordons top students.

Gabe is a fucking loser who couldn’t take getting a knock in the teeth during a sparring match and quit.

You are measured by your friends so that says little of this place.

Ignoring the problem wont make it go away we know exactly who you are now and you were an uncommitted student with a false sense of importance. Take your attention cravings elsewhere or see you in court

This place is like a fucking circus. Freaks performing and wierd little clicks with ‘inside’ jokes (even though Gabe is a noob??? WTF)

Then we got some idiot who does capoira or however the hell you’re supposed to spell it talking trash on MMA???

My god this place is a wasteland.

You guys are like fantasy characters.

It was me who said that get your facts straight, something you CLEARLY pay no attention to.

Easy to talk big from behind your keyboard with no name and being thousands of miles away isn’t it?

So now your saying you are English Gabe???

My oh my how low can you get.

To the site owner, please remove this discussion from your board. It is a childish character assassination led by a disaffected student who couldn’t keep up with the class. It’s malicious and misinformed.


Fuck you with your pathetic attempts at threatening me.

All you other dumb fucks are hiding behind your keyboards while our school is being aired out. So you do know ‘who we are’. Yet you guys are anonymous circus freaks performing for your buddies.

“Refute your points”??? How can I refute anything when you ‘don’t exist’???

The only place you exist.

Our school on the other hand is REAL.

You might as well live in Narnia because it’s about as real as your superman personas on this forum where you all have sooooo much skill and are the greatest fighters ever to be able to bad mouth a great man.

I wonder which professional UFC fighters all of you are???
I bet the George Clooney guy is really Fedor but is just pretending to be a low life loser scumbag.