I have low IQ.

This whole thread is lame! James Neeter, James Norder, and Al Martin all seem stupid, after reading this crap I think i am going to barf! These guy’s must all be teenagers, looking at the spelling and grammer it looks like children, even the moderators can’t spell. In surfing the web I have noticed that Bullshido doesn’t have a very good reputation. I know Ridgely Able, Sensei and you guys abused him. I also have heard this guy is awesome and here is what you did to him www.bullshido.info I don’t think anyone here truely studies karate! I have not seen anything posted here that has any investigative tact or facts that can be verified onther than Mr. Norder and Shoshinkanuk making themselves look immature. Shoshinkanuk I hope is not truely from the U.K. as I am. Because he seems a might un-educated and would reflect poorly on the rest of us, his writing style looks more like that of an American teenagers and anyone can put up a blog pretending to be in the U.K. I would hope that true martial artist’s what ever name they are calling themselves would be more mature than this. I can’t believe that adults have this much time to devote to being childish! I doubt that anyone here is who the say that they are! If this is the way Bullshido does it’s investigation’s know wonder they are not taken seriously.

[quote=nemesis2;2189326]This whole thread is lame! James Neeter, James Norder, and Al Martin all seem stupid, after reading this crap I think i am going to barf! These guy’s must all be teenagers, looking at the spelling and grammer it looks like children, even the moderators can’t spell.[/quote]I highlighted your grammar and spelling mistakes.

In surfing the web I have noticed that Bullshido doesn’t have a very good reputation. I know Ridgely Able, Sensei and you guys abused him.


I also have heard this guy is awesome and here is what you did to him www.bullshido.info

Oh no.

I don't think anyone here truely studies karate!

Oops, another one of those silly spelling mistakes you were complaining about.

I have not seen anything posted here that has any investigative tact or facts that can be verified onther than Mr. Norder and Shoshinkanuk making themselves look immature. Shoshinkanuk I hope is not truely from the U.K. as I am. Because he seems a might un-educated and would reflect poorly on the rest of us, his writing style looks more like that of an American teenagers and anyone can put up a blog pretending to be in the U.K.

You do know the UK follows similar grammatical patterns as the US right?
You do know a run on sentence is considered a grammar mistake?
You do realize, that you are looking pretty uneducated yourself?

I would hope that true martial artist’s what ever name they are calling themselves would be more mature than this. I can’t believe that adults have this much time to devote to being childish! I doubt that anyone here is who the say that they are! If this is the way Bullshido does it’s investigation’s know wonder they are not taken seriously.

Let us know when you learn how to correct your grammar issues and spelling mistakes.

Thank you Goodbye.

Anyone hear of Al Martin

I came her looking for facts about Al Martin. I don,t see any facts here at all, just junk! The thread should be changed to who can talk shit about Al Martin! I guess the moderators here are children! Has anyone who is an Adult here besides Jeffery tried to reach Al Martin for comments or a possible meeting to get to the bottom of this? Has anyone here ever met James Neeter? To much of this is off topic! From what is on topic James Neeter has made claim of meeting Al Martin and his Shorin ryu karate is good. What i haven’t seen made clear is what James Neeter’s problem with Al Martin actualy is. Iv’e seen statements James Neeter made regarding Paul Hart but not Al Martin. The whole thing stinks like James Neeter got his ass whipped by Al Martin or someone a (green belt) in Al Martin’s group so bad that years later he is still crying about it, and the only thing he can do is this, waste everyones time! I have seen several posts about verfiying I.P.'s but no fact. W.T.F.

Let’s see some facts! Facts are verifiable! Something that can be proven! This thread is just malicious content!

I have seen several posts about verfiying I.P.'s but no fact. W.T.F.
Verification complete.

Here’s a fact:


Hey it is fake, I know you how’s the wheel chair feeling! You are fake!

You are banned.

Out of total curiosity…what anime does the BANNED gif come from?

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu

Some friends of mine from University got me into the FMP series, now I love it.


YouTube - Sousuke vs Karate Club funny clip