I have hemroids.

Hello bullshido!

So here’s me.

Been lurking around this forum for a couple of years, mostly laughing at how it seems no one understands that the wing chun is where it’s all at. Especially laughing at how you do not understand that hours of chi-sao beats years of training against resisting opponents, and hey! we even put gear on and beat at each other at times. Bought meself a wooden dummy after a few years of training wing chun (the real one, the wing tsun!), yes indeed I’m advanced! I do all the forms, including playing with the weapon forms. Feeling good about this I even know I’m able to handle myself on the street if shit should happen, after all we train for the streets! :new_borgs

So fast forward a bit more and bam! in the middle of the night when I’m out jogging some random shit head coming from out of nowhere lands a good solid blow with a bottle in my head, instantly going down I get a good kick to the face. Fucked up junkie! So I get back on my feet and this is the moment I realise that all my years of training has been fucking useless. I can tell from the look in this guy’s face that he has not done all the chi-sao, he does not know the forms, especially he has no idea that my weak ass punching is supposed to knock him out.

Suddenly all the shit I’ve been laughing at right on this discussion board makes a shit load of sense.

Anyway that all turned out well, ‘cept all the money I wasted on all the wing tsun seminars over the years. Fuckin’ hell, I’d be a rich man. The Xmas present for me and my woman are to burn the wooden dummy and take up some of the BJJ and Muay Thai as of next year. It won’t protect me from getting a junkie pulling surprise shit like that on me, but atleast I hope I’ll have some idea of what to do when I get up on my feet again, and I realise the fucker is not playing.

This is why I join, 'cause you people make a fuck of a lot of sense. Keep up the good work babes! and a merry xmas to all.

No idea why I was moved to trollshido, but sure ok. Nice to meet you people too.

I dont get it. I came here to read about your hemroids.

I’d love to tell you about 'em. Seems I have somehow been marked as a troll though, so I guess I’ll not. Sorry mate!

needs more rubber bands

Needs the what for whatnow?

It looks like bullshido now has a new hemroid!