I hate actually following rules. Now I'll go join the ATA

Hi ,

Im currently considering going back to the arts after a 13 year absence ,

Anybody familiar with the ATA Songham style of Tae Kwon Do ,

I have experience in WTF , no disrespect but too sporty for me , as im now 50 .

So if anybody has any input pro or con please, and of course I will visit the Dojang first.

Thank You

I think it’s fair to say that folks here are familiar with ATA.

You really want to read this thread, which is stickied.

Especially since this one is virtually certain to get locked.

What other schools are near you?

You sir are a fucking idiot. Please go do ATA that’s where they keep all the idiot fucks who can’t even fucking read.

There are WTF TKD , Shorin Ryu , alot of Kempo and one Kenpo , If I want to travel I could find almost any thing but I like to keep it somewhat close .

Im trying to get input and opinions .Thanks

Who is , I hope you dont mean me . I think im asking a legitimate question .

Ive been out of martial arts for over 13 yrs , I have studied on and off since im 14 ,

I have had some great masters but it was mostly the old style .

Even when I took WTF TKD I sparred that why as a sport and a great physical conditioner but not as a Martial art. I actually perfered Shotokan as a Martial Art .

But I was thinking if I do decide to stick with TKD it will probably be ATA or ITF or Tang Soo Do but probably not WTF .

I may do something completely different such as Kenpo ,which would be completely different.

I was looking for opinions because classes are expensive as heck now and you usually are locked into contracts.

Any way thank you

No, go fuck yourself. You are a fucking idiot. If you are wondering why then go to the fucking ATA thread. This one’s getting thrashed.

Listen instead of being all brash , why dont you explain it to me , Im new here I mean no disrespect Im asking a legitimate question. So instead of going off like a child maybe if you explain it to me I may be wiser next time.

ATA FAQ: No more ATA threads to be posted after this: - No BS Martial Arts

Read carefully and ask legitimate questions.

Wow you sound really angry , I hope your not an instructor.

I really am asking a legitimate qusestion you guys got me confused.


Wow, you know this doesn’t help. It is you are or you’re.

wow , so this what can be expected ok you are right , it is you’re . but seriously I didnt ask about ATA to start shit . I was curious about it , I did a search and I didn’t get the thread someone sent me.

But really what is the big deal so if I ask about Goju is that a taboo also.

Im new here , but im not new to the martial arts , I just havent studied in the last 13 yrs . S

You will have to excuse Omega as a group of ATA tough guys broke into his locker and wrote excerpts from “The Communist Manifesto” on the locker door. Even though this happened years age, he remains very sensitive about it to this day. When somebody mentions the ATA he justs reverts to the Angry Omega that you just faced. The years of therapy have failed him and at this moment his rage is likely boiling to the surface. Just say you are sorry and help save someone from a drunken savage beating.

Okay let’s try this one more time.

That link I provided is an ATA FAQ.
ATA FAQ: No more ATA threads to be posted after this: - No BS Martial Arts

FAQ=Frequently Asked questions.

Still following?

Now let’s go back to your OP.

Anybody familiar with the ATA Songham style of Tae Kwon Do ,

This is a question about the ATA version of TKD.

Still following?

Anybody familiar with the ATA Songham style of Tae Kwon Do ,

FAQ=Frequently Asked questions.
ATA FAQ: No more ATA threads to be posted after this: - No BS Martial Arts

Get it?
FAQ=Frequently Asked questions.

Anybody familiar with the ATA Songham style of Tae Kwon Do ,

ATA FAQ: No more ATA threads to be posted after this: - No BS Martial Arts

If there was a Goju FAQ yes, you’d get just as much shit. So, when you start a thread asking a question for information about the ATA when there is a huge FAQ makes certain Mods angry. Why?

You aren’t asking a specific question.

Again you asked

Anybody familiar with the ATA Songham style of Tae Kwon Do ,

Probaly in the Korean Forum where there is a huge FAQ to answer this very question.

IIF: The reason why I’m so irritated with fuckwit here is that this thread was originally in the Korean Style forum. There’s a huge sticky there about the ATA.

Another poster tried to tell him this:

So Mr. 13 years in TKD if you had half a brain you would take the time to explore this instead of getting buttsore and then try to reverse this on me. As a matter of fact I am an instructor and incourage my students and parents of students to come on this forum. Now why don’t you take everybody’s advice and just go to the fucking thread and cease your fucking idiotic behavior.

Fuck you tree hugging hippie.

Can someone pass me a tube of Astroglide plz?

ok thank you for your help, I did a search before I posted , I did not come up with the aforementioned sticky.
And as you could see Bruce Lee , I just joined the forum , maybe Im not a hundred percent familiar with the workings yet

And if your a instructor you should be ashamed . Because I guess your system doesn’t teach humility or manners. And do you yell at your students because they screw up a technique.

What does telling you to explore better have to do with humility fuck brain? Even now you can’t get past the fact that you fucked up and you continue to fuck up. If I were yelling it would look more like this:


And if you want to know if this is the way I talk to adults in my gym go right ahead. I’ll let one of my students know that you’re here.

Too bad an arrogant fuck like you can’t figure out the difference between humility and intellegence. Now I see you’re posting on the Kempo section of the forum. You should be ashamed of yourself for not thinking before acting. Go sit in the corner and learn some humility now.