I had sex with my sensei. Is that a legit technique?!

The strategy of the ninja is still the most superior, even in modern times it is being utilized.

It is possible to use many words to say nothing at all when you have nothing to say and no one to say it to.

It must get so ronery out there in troll land…

I’m tired of +repping at every fucking comment you make, so I’ll make a public appreciation post instead.

It’s only a legit technique if you have an STD, which I suppose, in turn, depends on whether you and your dad have been using condoms.

We are currently holding Bobby hostage and forced him to appear on this video.

Me and my dad have never ever had sex you filthy vile son of satan!!!

Love it, how are we doing? :pity:

Okay, will break out the rape kit and the “he touched me there…” dolls, someone needs a Birds and Bees talk on Isle 7.

this explains his hatred for you and mailmen

My father doesn’t hate me, in fact he died before I was born, so he never could have met me, much less engage in such horrendously vile and unspeakable behavior you have just mentioned!!!

samuel browning, war wheel, and phrost, said they needed help fining their puppy in here.
Hey there’s no candy in here…I gotta go, I think my Mom is calling.

Ask your mom what she thought about my big dick in her mouth.

She said it wasn’t that big and you kept humping her ear and belly button .

FAIL!!! I was talking about get it right’s mom. My dick is 7 inches, not the biggest, but large by North American or Asian standards.

I am pretty sure she was talking about you .

jokes on you, I dont have a Mom. Me and Dad share yours.

No shit?

Did he treat you good?

We’re vile?

You’re the one who dug up your dead father and had sex with the corpse.

Seriously, WTF dude?

For someone who repeatably denies being gay, you sure do seem to obsess over penises a lot.