i took my son to this run down shack,with some kind of jap. art on the walls. the hag behind counter gave me a sheet of paper with lesson cost. i said no one month please.she got pissy with me and said o.k.three houndred one month.i pulled out a roll cash layed three bills on the counter and see you tomorrow. came in the nexted day, met the master he tryed to get two houndred bucks out of me for some p.j. tops. we had on sweats and a t-shirts. this is getting to long.he treated me like crap for three weeks,in front of all the kids.then came the day i was waiting for.the master put me up against my son and two other kids his age.i walk on to the mat the master smiled at me knowing i was going to get my ass kicked by three sixteen year olds.two had high belts and my son was well past pissed at me for being his dad and him what to do.so the fight was on.one kid kicked in the balls the other i punched in the chest so hard the way his knees buckeld i thought i killed him.that left just my the little basterd that had been giving me hell for the past year.i punched him in the gut i could hear his breath rush from his body i held him up pushed him back grabed his hands to stop and gave him a kick to his rightside.he fell to the ground and cryed. i had given my son his first spanking.i love my son.he has a wife and kid.he is turning out to be a good man.
You heartless goats. ZZZ is just acting out, what with being visited by his daddy at night its no wonder he’s taken to being stuck in the vicious cycle of abuse.
I find it unlikely that you would have not had an intervention by the instructor and get a good pounding. No instructor would put his students in this position unless he knows they have control.
My feeling is that you jumped them while they were doing kata. Good show tough guy.
“Hello, police? I’d like to report a suspicious man.”
“He suddenly appeared claiming to have done three 16 year old boys at once.”
“I know, it’s disgusting. He even claims to have felt one of their private parts with his foot, but the worse part is that one of them was his own son!”
“That’s right, he says he gave his son ‘his first spanking’, the sick bastard.”
Yes, we have him locked up in Trollshido right now. Bill Duff is watching him until you get here."
“No, Bill will be fine. He’s preparing his body and mind for enlightenment to find his own Chi as we speak.”
“You’ll be here soon? Great. We have some young people on this site and we’re a bit worried about them with this pervert around. See you soon, bye.”