I was at a hardcore metal show the other night at a small cafe bar type place. If anyone doesnt know at hardcore shows they do the mosh and for some odd reason they think its dancing. So they call it “hardcore dancing” which is basically ape looking karate kung fu crap. All the guys who do it do like worse than white belt kicks and punches. You see a lot of spin kicks and windmill type fists flying. People get hit randomly. But I guess if you go in the pit you have to be ready for that. I think hardcore dancing looks stupid and is stupid, but I dont have a problem with it at shows or the mosh pit in general.
The thing is when I want to see the band play and I want to watch them you guys idiots who for some reason feel like spazzing out right next to you and end up smacking you in the face with either a foot or a fist. or they do some stupid kick and hit you in the groin. They think its okay because after all they are “dancing” and they are not responsible for hitting people.
There are always giant fat guy jocks who push their weight around and push the entire crowd around. This night was full of these idiots. There are also skinnier dorks as well who think they are so “xtoughx”.
So here is how the fight happened: I was watching some bands and I was on the edge of the room near the window and there were a lot of kids watching the band really close to me and trying to mind their own business and have a good time. Some big huge goof who thinks he is soooo tough comes up right infront of this short kid who was right next to me very close. The goof starts doing some kind of crazy fast windmill stuff and his fist smacks the short young kid in the head and he nearly hit me. And he was getting all in my personal space and about to hit me so I punch him I guess it landed on the back of his head. Then he spins out of control and I kick him in the leg hard and he flies across the room because of his rapid motions. Then I turn to watch the band and then 5 seconds later this kid comes up behind me all pissed and charges at me and gives me a haymaker as I turned towards him and he connected hard but I turned my face with it and it didnt really even hurt at all. I didnt even get a bruise or anything, he hit my cheekbone so I think his hand is more hurt then my face is which is only a tiny bit sore. So when he punched me he kept charging me so I got him in the clinch and I think kneed him once and began to do really hard downward elbows to his shoulder and back over and over. As I did that I pucnhed a few times and also he bent down to tackle me and his face was perfectly right on my left side where my nice conditioned knuckles were waiting for him on my left hand. I rapidly punched his soft nose and face over and over as his energy from his tackle knocked me into a table where we both fell on top of it. Then the table collapses as he lands on top of me. I get him in the guard and hold him close and begin more elbows on his head and face and then punches. Then more of those rapid uppercuts to his face because his face was still on my left side. Then I loosened my guard and was waiting for him to get off of me but I kept him on me because about 10 guys surrounded us and a lot of them were the big fat guys and they were all pissed. I thought I was going to get killed and if not severly beaten. So I kept his body as a shield on me and then everyonce in awhile would let go of him communicating that im not trying to kill him and I want the fight stopped. But since the table collapsed I was in a downard angle and my head was lower then my feet. But my guard was loose on purpose and I wanted him to stop, but he wouldnt and he started growling and getting angery and trying to hit me so then I grabbed him close again and ept blocking his arms from any movement. and I kept punching every so often and then he move his arm under my leg which exposed my knee right infront of his face so then I started repeatedly kneeing his face over and over about 5 times and then one last really hard one. Finally some stupid guys pulled him off of me and I was thinking everyone was going to jump me but no one did a thing. I picked up my hat and some fat guy acting like a bouncer grabbed my arm and tried to pull me with him, but I cooperated and he didnt even have to pull on me and he walked me to the door and I thought he was going to talk to me or something but he pushed me out the door and says “get the fuck out!” and then like 3 mins later I walk back in because the door lady was like “Hey guys come back in im locking the door!” and I went back in and watched the touring bands I paid to see. The band playing during the fight was some stupid local band. Talented but stupid.
This guy was way way bigger and taller then me. It shows that without training people will die in a fight to a smaller person. Also learning strikes is very important for ground fighting and paying attention to openings. Especially for a striker like me since I am not very good at submissions yet. I used my Taekwondo but then relied on my ground training ive been doing lately. This was the only 1-1 fight I have ever been in in a self defense situation and I remained totally calm which supprised me. When you grapple you arnt going to be on nice ground either you might end up on a hard broken table at an uncomfortable downard angle so all gravity is going to your head and you cannot get up without turning around which you dont want to do when about 10 guys are standing right over you. Using the body as a shield is good as well even if the guy is beaten. Keep him on you for protection from kicks.
When i came back into the show I saw the kid with ice and paper soaking up the blood dripping from his eye and his entire face was swollen up like a balloon. He also made direct eye contact with me when I came back in as he was standing right next to me as I sat in a chair. I looked at him like “Well there ya go” and he luaghed and just walked off. He either didnt recognize me or he admitted his defeat by trying to luagh it off. I dont know which one. Possibly his eye was swollen he thought I was just some guy.
ANyway I am sure you experts can critique me on every single thing I did wrong and tell me which ideas I stated above are totally stupid. I mean after all I am just a Taekwondo guy. Give me some pointers just in case this happens again.
Once i got in a fight at Aqua concert… i was about to destroy these 6 guys but then a unicorn came and swept me away and took me to a magic land with Gnomes.
come play in a safe and wonderfull learning enviroment .
Your biggest mistake was going into a metal club with a mosh pit and thinking people were going to respect your normal boundries and personal space . You will be pushed and jostled and sometimes hit . Its part of the scene , but normaly your in the pit itself when it happens and its expected… and so is the occasional ass whooping though and it just sort of " happens" .
Though some clubs are all pit … what was the name of the club ?
One more bit of advice … dont hit people in the back of the head …
As a person who goes to a lot of hardcore shows and sees a lot of fights start because of people like you, I feel it’s safe to say that you’re a moron. Whether you think it looks stupid or not, people are going to dance at hardcore shows, and you shouldn’t act surprised when it happens. If you stand in the pit, around the edge of the pit, or up front next to the band, you assume the risk that someone might accidentally hit you. Even in the smallest venues there are plenty of places to stand where you don’t have to worry about getting hurt. Just about every fight I see at a hardcore show is started by someone like you who doesn’t understand the culture, thinks hardcore dancing is stupid, and/or wants to show these “toughguys” that they’re not tough, so they start a fight. Now as you tell the story, someone was dancing too close to you, accidentally hit someone near you, and so you sucker punched him in the back of the head. To me, it sounds like you started the fight, and you’re an asshole.
I love dancing at shows, I think it’s fun. I find that hardcore dancing is a lot safer than those pits where people just shove each other around, because usually you have pretty good seperation and you don’t hit anyone. I’ve been hit a couple times, but I would be an absolute moron if I were to take it personally, it’s just something you have to expect might happen. The only time I’ve ever really seen anyone get injured is when some nu-metal asshole thinks it’s a push pit and just starts running into people who are trying to dance, or when someone likes you gets his panties in a bunch and takes a swing at someone. If you don’t want to get hit, don’t stand next to the person doing windmills, it’s pretty simple.
Hardcore is pretty fun, you bash other people and they bash you but it’s all in fun. Push pits have their charm to them too, I especially like being part of the ring and tossing some of those mofos back in there. Yeah, you get fucked up, bruised, hurt, whatever, but hey, that’s all a part of it. Somebody falls down, you pick their ass back up so they don’t get stomped, then you go shove some fat dude into the only chick in the mosh pit. Only assholes and sissy girls take it personally. At the GWAR concert I saw this skinny dude literally jump on this chick’s head like three times trying to crowd-surf, and she didn’t punch him in the back of the head or something stupid like that. She just told him to quit fucking jumping on her because she wasn’t gonna hoist him up.
punching the dude in the back of the head was wrong… You should have tapped him on the shoulder and clocked him as he was turning towards you. I have almost been in the same position as you, except it was a drum & bass show (where hardcore dancing most definitely does not belong) and I probably would have just double-legged him and left his ass on the floor. But I restrained myself by reminding myself I’m a peaceful person despite all my training for violence. But if one of his haymakers landed on my girlfriend, it would have been a very different story.
I can tell you what your biggest mistake was… saying it was a hardcore metal show. Real metal is not about fucking dancing around like a goose. Bang or be banged!
ive been in quite a few fights at shows… surprisingly, only one at a “hardcore” show, the rest at ska/chilled out music shows… the thing is:
ANYONE standing at the edge of a pit is fair game to get hit. the guy was swinging off to the music… if u go to a hardcore show, thats what you’d better expect.
the only time i ever got in a fight at a hardcore show was cuz some asshole grabbed my girlfriend and threw her on the ground… but that was a 1 in a hundred asshole… anyways
usually ill get in fights at like ska shows or what not… because you’re not supposed to be punching people, you gotta be cool. but theres always some dickhead who wants to fight with you or your friends to show what a big man he is… i call it the “i like heavy metal but get my ass kicked in those pits… so while you kids are skanking around, im gonna take out my angst on you” syndrome. so you gotta try and make sure it doesnt get too far and either tell the asshole why hes an asshole, or if he wants to fight, show him why that was a mistake.
anyways, the point is not to be immature and you should know whats going on before you start fights with people.
Because dancing and music are fun, and that is where you can find the very best of both.
But hardcore dancing is about as fun as riverdance or seizure. And those fucks ruining other peoples good time with their lack of respect. I say slip behind them and slap on a quick RNC to bring some peace back to the dance floor. Or maybe you could have a massive hardcore dancing convention and nuke it from orbit just to be sure.
and BY THE WAY… he said there were lots of fat dumb assholes “pushing the entire crowd around”… you’re telling me you were standing on the edge of a pit for a whole concert, and ONE person hit you, and that particular badass wasn’t quite badass enough for you to beat him up??? kinda sounds like you were looking for a fight…
in a mosh pit
waited for one particular person to hit you
then you fight him instead of doing like everyone else in the room and letting people mosh how they want
sorry about this, peoples behavior at concerts is a big issue for me, because theres lots of assholes that are out to ruin somebody’s night