I fu-diddely-ukteed Annatrocity

Yeah, I fucked her.

I fucked that little bitch hard, she screamed loud too.

Kidspatula begged me for it too, but I wouldn’t fuck that dyke with a paper bag over her head.

no profanity in thread titles please.

you sure are dedicated to this trolling shtick.

that’s what she gets for being so cute.

That’s a rule? I never knew that rule.

Tsk tsk tsk. This simply will not do. You do realize that profanity and vulgarity are the last resort of the inferior mind, right? Let me explain what I mean. For instance, I could say that you are clearly an immature, repugnant waste of carbon. Or I could call you a prepubescent troglodyte. I could even say that you have all the higher brain functions of the Alaskan snow crab. You see, I’ve insulted you three times and not once did I curse or make a reference to sexual acts or excretement.

P.S. Having Annatrocity shove a dildo up your asshole while you scream “I’m a bad boy! I’m a bad boy” does not count as having a sexual relationship with the girl in question.

Sounds like a party to me…:3some: :XXsmoker:

PASSER, deliciae meae puellae, quicum ludere, quem in sinu tenere, cui primum digitum dare appetenti et acris solet incitare morsus, cum desiderio meo nitenti carum nescio quid lubet iocari et solaciolum sui doloris, credo ut tum grauis acquiescat ardor: tecum ludere sicut ipsa possem et tristis animi leuare curas!

Tsk tsk tsk. This simply will not do. You do realize that profanity and vulgarity are the last resort of the inferior mind, right? Let me explain what I mean. For instance, I could say that you are clearly an immature, repugnant waste of carbon. Or I could call you a prepubescent troglodyte. I could even say that you have all the higher brain functions of the Alaskan snow crab. You see, I’ve insulted you three times and not once did I curse or make a reference to sexual acts or excretement.

Vince?!?! You have a vocabulary!!!

shock horror

latin sucked. so glad i didn’t take a fourth year of that faggot language

Septem anni numeratque, cumulus merdae!

your middle school had it or what?

and high school yeah

It took you 3 years to figure out latin is gay?

i liked the first and second year but third year was faggot shit