Some FRAUD has decided to edit my personal private profile with Fraudulent information. If whosoever decided to edit personal information, I can imagine other editing might be possible in other areas of my postings.
I, for one, cannot now believe anything here as Truth.
You know, I distinctly recall a time when Phrost would be lambasting other MA forum mods for adding I AM HOMO LOL-like captions to people they disagreed with.
No, the only lambasting was other MA forum mods changing what someone else posted.
Stop being a dick. Either post links to the posts in question or STFU.
Edit: You know what? You’ve made a serious accusation. Your next post MUST BE proof. (Of course, since you follow a known fraud, I’m expecting a creative interpretation of proof - thus being somewhat amusing.)
You don’t get to choose which tags you get for your username, but can request and appeal for them at will. The throwdown fist, dumbass tag, the anti-ninja squad, etc are all either requested or deserved. It is understood that if the mods can do what they want with your tags, they can also do what they want with your profile.
But here on bullshido, we won’t change your posts. That’s a strict no-no. And that’s something to be respected here on the internet.
Not two minutes before you posted this, I predicted your “proof” would be creative instead of legitimate. It’s a shame your reply wasn’t more amusing than I also predicted, too.
Obviously, after looking at my post #10 which you took the time to quote, you either:
didn’t actually read what I wrote in reply.
chose to ignore what I wrote in reply.
aren’t smart enough to understand what I wrote in reply.
That figures. Truth or not, its their decision? Regardless, they’ve inserted a quote attributed to me which isn’t true.
I also see now that the avatar is inserted remotely (outside of my control). I can only guess what the next fraudulent lie is going to be as stated as a quote from me.
Pardon me sir. Your post wasn’t worth a Reply. So, my reply (to mr. Browning) couldn’t be in no way a creative response to you. Pay attention little one.
Frank Dux isn’t held in high regards here, so those who supposedly train under him or follow him aren’t held in high regard either. Frank Dux is a fraud, he lied about everything - the underground kumite, his neighbor, being involved with the CIA, etcetera. By accepting you here, as someone who follows Frank Dux, would go against what Bullshido fights against, bullshit in the Martial Arts. So, you shouldn’t take it the wrong way and understand that this place was meant to stop or at least warn others of the bullshit out in the world of Martial Arts.
Yes, it is a staff decision as to what is allowed to be displayed from your profile. And, only a dumbass of your caliber would think that was a quote from you.
Edit: which is probably why you now have a dumbass tag, too.
I made no prediction as to whether you would respond to me - only what your next post would be. Who is it that’s not paying attention?
So I should gather if the staff decided to place this fraudulent quote under my username, its ok since only a dumbass would think that was a quote from me? The “dumbass” tag is to be expected since there is an atmosphere of superiority here. If its Bullshidos method to use Fraud, that is on Bullshido’s shoulders and not mine. I just call it what it is - Fraud. Live with it.
Thanks for your warnings. I see it quite clearly and actually expected some transferences’. Its common. Useless against me, but common. Not interested in being accepted. Only interested in who knows anything about Martial Arts. Found a handfull so far that actually know something about martial arts. I’ve also found a few that Bullshido consideres Bullshido but actually are extremely good Martial Artist. guess you can find good and bad in Divers Places. You only live twice.
Just because you don’t like it being pointed out with every post you make doesn’t make it invalid. Try living with it instead of in denial. The butthurt feelings of dumbasses isn’t taken into consideration when it comes to pointing out the truth.
I’ll tell you what, if you answer the questions posed to you by Samuel Browning truthfully, succinctly, and without drama instead of repeatedly avoiding them in the silly fashion as you have done, I’ll unilaterally override whomever added the cute pink caption to your profile and reword it to be less “in-your-face”. Deal?
There are more than a few skilled martial artists who are bullshido. Even if a practitioner is the greatest martial artist since the second coming of Jigoro Kano, bullshit is still bullshit. You may think that just because a person has skill you may have something to learn from them. However, if a person cannot be truthful as to who they are, where they came from, and what they are teaching, the reality is they have more to TAKE FROM YOU than you could ever learn from them.
If your little phrase starts / begins with the word “I” and I didn’t write it, condone it, and am insulted by it - to say the least, IT IS NOT THE TRUTH AND IS FRAUDULENT.
I will say one last time that I will not even partially discuss anything involving what we do and or how we do it. Since Samuel Browning seems to know what goes on and what is said in and around DRN, ask him. You get nothing from me. Since you have all these previous discussion links all over this Forum and the .com Forum, read them and stop bugging me.
Remember: It is not WHAT you ask, but HOW you ask it. You had the opportunity and blew it.
Don’t you find this partial statement of yours very interesting?: “… I’ll unilaterally override whomever added the cute pink caption to your profile and reword it to be less “in-your-face”. Deal?”.