I eat ninja pen16

heard the Kuikishin scroll was in the fire, so he made another one for the people, but never herd about the other one’s. So is there some way to proove this about the other scroll’s if not then it doe’s no good?

it doe’s not have any karate in it!

It was only the Kuishin scroll’s that was burned, I don’t know where you herd those false claim’s from!


Ninjutsu is based on skill’s on how to enter an enemy’s territory!



Khorne is displeased with this thread. Your skulls shall be taken from your bodies and piled at Khorne’s throne as offerings to the Blood God.

There must be some ninja subforum, that I haven’t found yet… where does this stuff keep coming from?

I heard Jay and Silent Bob to the Kuikishin scroll and used it to roll a “fatty-bo-batty”

Noich, noich noich