I am sorry if science got in the way of being, “objective”. I suppose I found it a little odd that a “read me” message came up one day about a supplament that you are endorsing.
Then, I flick on the radio to hear a nationally regarded MD talk, laughingly, about how people still want to say Gingko is beneficial. The only thing that came of the study was that it might pose some danger in causing strokes versus the control group.
Strokes! This is a lot more harmful then LARPing in angry white pajamas- but hey, if he’s your friend, he must be ok.
Look idiot. Enough of this. I left your initial post in that thread because it does have a valid question (about Ginko and the risk of stroke.)
Also, you don’t know what relation, if any, I have with Tactical Nut. I’ve tried my best to review this product, I put caveats in the review and I asked people to make their decisions.
So don’t be fucking accusing me that I’m being partial because of friendship.
Talking about science getting in the way of being objective. Just as the risk of stroke is well documented in ginko, you seem more than happy to ignore the specific details under which this risk take place.
So don’t you fucking throw half-cooked barbs at me by taking partial evidence out of context and call it science.
If you want to be objective, you still have the chance. Go back to that thread and present your evidence, pro and con, your point of view. Your first post is still there.
Or be a trolling, attention whore conspiracy theory, as you have been several times in the PT forums and have your posts moved here.
^^^ See? See? Was it so hard to comply, to do as requested?
But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you had to be a dumb beast, keep trolling, assuming shit about why I did the review, and I had to fucking drag your second piece of shit post into trollshido and clean after your shit.
Sure, but not in this thread, though. Please go to the PT/Health section of this website (link here) and create a new thread asking for information regarding Ginko.
Then, you’ll get more people to answer your question.