Have you ever tried to do things without making a scene or being just generally repugnant? I mean, I know you like the whole asshole thing you’ve got going for you, I just wonder if you’ve ever tried doing the same thing without being a dickhead about it? Does asshole mode work better?
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639377]Have you ever tried to do things without making a scene or being just generally repugnant? I mean, I know you like the whole asshole thing you’ve got going for you, I just wonder if you’ve ever tried doing the same thing without being a dickhead about it? Does asshole mode work better?
Yes, being an asshole in my own gym works so much better for me because, if you had read the actual post, being respectful and nice got me no where. Thanks for play dipshit.
You did something. I don’t know what, but he has been bitching at you for months. Maybe he will now be happy that you acknowledged his post.
To Omega- Yes, yes, it’s your class, your school, you can do what you want. But i[SIZE=2]n your tale of “woe is me”, there was plenty of “please do it this way” (good!), and never any intermediate step between asking, and follow-up (bad!). I realize that you think (probably correctly) there is very little chance he could have taken your belt, but wouldn’t you look like a chump if he did? I know that as a student, I would definitely think far less of an instructor who let a pompous ass get him to that level so easily. Point is, why put yourself straight from asking nicely to “I will rape your face” with no intermediate step? There’s a lot more to being a leader than being the strongest.
And, in the fairness of not pointing out a problem without giving a solution that doesn’t include drama-whoring in front of your class: remove the offender from his task. You asked, he didn’t listen, you move him on to another task. Have him shadow you to learn, or go get you a latte, or even (and I’m just throwing this craziness out there) telling him quietly, off to the side, to leave. Wacky hijinks need not ensue.
To ItisFake- I don’t like bullies. They irk me. Every now and again, it seems worth it to show him a different way. I don’t expect him to re-evaluate the way he deals with people, but I feel better for trying. I suppose the best I can hope for is some entertaining smack-talk, which I know he is capable of.
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639401]To Omega- Yes, yes, it’s your class, your school, you can do what you want. But i[SIZE=2]n your tale of “woe is me”, there was plenty of “please do it this way” (good!), and never any intermediate step between asking, and follow-up (bad!). I realize that you think (probably correctly) there is very little chance he could have taken your belt, but wouldn’t you look like a chump if he did? I know that as a student, I would definitely think far less of an instructor who let a pompous ass get him to that level so easily. Point is, why put yourself straight from asking nicely to “I will rape your face” with no intermediate step? There’s a lot more to being a leader than being the strongest.
And, in the fairness of not pointing out a problem without giving a solution that doesn’t include drama-whoring in front of your class: remove the offender from his task. You asked, he didn’t listen, you move him on to another task. Have him shadow you to learn, or go get you a latte, or even (and I’m just throwing this craziness out there) telling him quietly, off to the side, to leave. Wacky hijinks need not ensue. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
I love how you always talk out of the side of your face. How long have you run a school?
BTW that woman is still with me and that incident happened 6 years ago. If you keep posted on the other thread too you’ll notice I didn’t say anything in that situation. I call it as I see it.
For the record he wasn’t part of my class, he wasn’t even part of my school, the douche bag was just there watching. Try to get your facts down before presuming you can lecture me.
To ItisFake- I don’t like bullies. They irk me. Every now and again, it seems worth it to show him a different way. I don’t expect him to re-evaluate the way he deals with people, but I feel better for trying. I suppose the best I can hope for is some entertaining smack-talk, which I know he is capable of.
[/SIZE] You’re calling me a bully? Why, because I stand up for myself? How little you know of me. Problem with passive aggressive shit heads like you is that you normally can’t smell the bullshit your dishing out.
Glad this shit started here as I did not want to chime in in the advanced forum.
Do you have an issue with or diferentiate between haptic feedback and teaching in your classes?
IE,the class is drilling triangles and the blue belt says “it felt like your hips did not come up high enough on that one”. Is this something that would be acceptable for a visiting belt to say? Would it be acceptable for normal members to say?
I see where you could have issue with it either way.[/QUOTE]I play the ignorant card. What does the word “haptic” mean? (never mind, I looked it up) Anyway, keep in mind I asked a very specific question for a very specific situation. Let’s not turn this into “Omega gets mad whenever anybody says anything on the floor”. If you’ve ever taken a lesson from me you’ll find out that I’m actually one of the most easy going instructors you’ll ever meet.
Since reading comprehension seems to be your weak spot Muerteds let me recap for you:
- I showed a move
- He corrected the throw
- I politely told him I’d rather it be done a different way.
- He corrected her again.
- I tell him I wanted it done a specific way.
- He corrected her again
- I admonish him and he argues with me.
So about that intermediate step?
To ItisFake- I don’t like bullies. They irk me. Every now and again, it seems worth it to show him a different way. I don’t expect him to re-evaluate the way he deals with people, but I feel better for trying. I suppose the best I can hope for is some entertaining smack-talk, which I know he is capable of.
[/QUOTE]The high horse only works when you ride in on it. You don’t like bullies so you curse, complain and argue at him to show “a different way?” Weird.
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639377]Have you ever tried to do things without making a scene or being just generally repugnant? I mean, I know you like the whole asshole thing you’ve got going for you, I just wonder if you’ve ever tried doing the same thing without being a dickhead about it? Does asshole mode work better?
[/QUOTE]^^^^No, that isn’t showing him a different way.
Guess I’ll respond a post at a time. Makes for less wall-of-textiness
[SIZE=2]Omega- passive aggressive people don’t often tell the bullies to their face what they think of them. I have- well, as close as this forum allows. I am known for speaking my mind, and have done so to bigger and scarier guys than you. Yes, you bully people. You don’t necessarily shake them down for their lunch money, but you bully “new” people here all the time. You bullied Bamboo. He commented in a heavily moderated forum, but he was on topic, even if his analogy required a little rumination. You definitely bullied the rude twit in your class.
I read your post. Seems to me that after Step 4 would have been a good time to step in and break the cycle. Instead you kept doing something that wasn’t working (asking nicely) and went into physical aggression mode. This was all over, and let’s be very clear about this, etiquette. You were willing to perpetrate some face-rearranging of someone of markedly less physical prowess than you over etiquette. That’s a pretty good hint that you had done two things:
- Lost the flow of your class.
- Resorted to using your size and physicality to enforce etiquette. Not safety. Not law. Etiquette.
I am jumping in here because I think it’s a worthwhile discussion. When does etiquette require a monkey-stomp? I think your case did not qualify.
Muerteds, so what was my post, chopped liver? Where are you working out? I worked out under Sensei Chuzo Kotaka (karate), who is very good (and has his dojo behind Koko head there off Hawaii Kai rd, - I dunno if it’s been mcdojo- ized over the years - he was funny as hell, he and his sempai kept telling the story of when Chuzo cut open sempai’s head in a demo with a sickle, they thought it was hilarious, “Blood all over! Ha ha ha!”. And Hee Il Cho teaches in the shopping center, and was last I saw was entering his students in JJ competition, which puts his TKD way above most I’d imagine.
And not that Omega needs anyone to defend him…
And Omega’s post:
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2639311]Don’t take this the wrong way but who are you and why would your opinion matter in this thread?[/QUOTE]
isn’t all that huffy or aggressive. If he was advanced in grappling, then SAY SO. Bamboo could have just responded, right? It didn’t go all that well, but big fuckingdeal.
Next bit.
[SIZE=2]PatfromLogan- You will not hear me argue that the guy in Omega’s class wasn’t being a fool. He was definitely being that guy. I see a better way to deal with that guy in this case. And I’m not even saying there’s never a time to toss down the belt and go for it. Just this wasn’t it.
I am continuing my danzan ryu study at http://www.horiuchikodenkan.com/ They have classes in Kahala and by invitation to their honbu dojo at Diamond Head. They are fairly new to teaching publicly. Harold, the professor, doesn’t want talking in class, except if you’re discussing a technique in Japanese. The practice is a bit different than the ideal, though. None of the students are fluent in Japanese, and so we have to get by mostly on English. Mostly, though, it’s pretty quiet, not a lot of chit-chat, except with the kids. They don’t often shut up completely.
I am stuck in the unenviable position of being senior enough that Scott, the sensei, wants me to work on transmission and teaching while re-learning all the new ways they do the techniques I’ve already learned. So while I try not to talk much, I have to in order to get the guys I work with up to speed. Yes, sometimes I show them the variation that I learned elsewhere. Not to say that one is more or less correct, but to illustrate where I need emphasis on learning the boards their way as well. And then, of course, we practice the way they want us to do it because that’s the polite thing to do.
I’ll even give a story of how that can be handled well- one day at the honbu dojo, we were told to work on throws. Not any particular kind of throw, but throws. So, I had run through the nage no kata board stuff I wanted to work on, and was throwing my two ukes in other ways. I explained yoko wakare, demonstrated really slowly how I was going to do it, explained how to fall out of it, and then did it. My uke spazzed halfway through, and cranked his neck. A couple days later the instructor took me aside and asked me not to throw the non black belts with anything more advanced than the nage boards. Easily handled. So, I take it easy on the new guys. No need for anyone to yell or be crushed.
I would like to take kajukenbo, but I’m having enough trouble convincing the wife it would be a good idea for me to add rugby practices after jujitsu.
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2639410]
Let’s not turn this into “Omega gets mad whenever anybody says anything on the floor”. If you’ve ever taken a lesson from me you’ll find out that I’m actually one of the most easy going instructors you’ll ever meet.
Did’nt intend to turn this into another omega is an asshole thread.
I had some reading comprehesion fail because of a response you made in the other thread. Thanks for clarifying for me.
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639448]Omega- passive aggressive people don’t often tell the bullies to their face what they think of them. I have- well, as close as this forum allows. I am known for speaking my mind, and have done so to bigger and scarier guys than you. Yes, you bully people. You don’t necessarily shake them down for their lunch money, but you bully “new” people here all the time. You bullied Bamboo. He commented in a heavily moderated forum, but he was on topic, even if his analogy required a little rumination. You definitely bullied the rude twit in your class.[/QUOTE][SIZE=2] I bullied him? How else was I going to determine what etiquette background he was talking about? I asked him not to take it the wrong way he did. You’re trolling, very badly I might say.
I read your post. Seems to me that after Step 4 would have been a good time to step in and break the cycle. Instead you kept doing something that wasn’t working (asking nicely) and went into physical aggression mode. This was all over, and let’s be very clear about this, etiquette. You were willing to perpetrate some face-rearranging of someone of markedly less physical prowess than you over etiquette. That’s a pretty good hint that you had done two things:
- Lost the flow of your class.
- Resorted to using your size and physicality to enforce etiquette. Not safety. Not law. Etiquette.
I am jumping in here because I think it’s a worthwhile discussion. When does etiquette require a monkey-stomp? I think your case did not qualify.
[/SIZE]So tell me, how big was the guy, what was his fighting level, what type of class was being held, and how long have you run your own classes?
You seem to keep dodging this last question.
*Edit: Just realized something, I gave the guy 3 choices or did you miss that part too? Quiet, Leave or come prove me wrong. You’re really bad at backing up your point.
BTW I just told all the members of the gym you called me a bully. It was a nice laugh.
[QUOTE=dflanmod;2639456]Did’nt intend to turn this into another omega is an asshole thread.
I had some reading comprehesion fail because of a response you made in the other thread. Thanks for clarifying for me.[/QUOTE]
Sorry for confusing my comments. I just merged all my posts so my comment got thrown in on Muerteds’ quote.
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2639457] I bullied him? How else was I going to determine what etiquette background he was talking about? I asked him not to take it the wrong way he did. You’re trolling, very badly I might say.
So tell me, how big was the guy, what was his fighting level, what type of class was being held, and how long have you run your own classes?
You seem to keep dodging this last question.
*Edit: Just realized something, I gave the guy 3 choices or did you miss that part too? Quiet, Leave or come prove me wrong. You’re really bad at backing up your point.
BTW I just told all the members of the gym you called me a bully. It was a nice laugh.[/QUOTE]
I told you he’s been mad at you for awhile. This is pent up shit from other threads. It is funny, the more he types the more you can tell it has nothing to do with this particular incident.
The comment about bamboo is the real issue.
[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2639457]I bullied him? How else was I going to determine what etiquette background he was talking about? I asked him not to take it the wrong way he did. You’re trolling, very badly I might say.
So tell me, how big was the guy, what was his fighting level, what type of class was being held, and how long have you run your own classes?
You seem to keep dodging this last question.[/QUOTE]
Ok, so it took a second to realize what your scattershot post was referring to. I assume your first questions to be how you dealt with Bamboo. Yes, you bullied him. You culled his post on the basis of you didn’t know who he was, and you didn’t feel his salient point was worth adding to the discussion because he wasn’t prominent enough on this site. Despite your caveat “Don’t take this wrong”- yeah your comment was snide and cutting. I realize you don’t see it as bullying. That’s how you deal with everyone here who is not a known entity to you. It’s evenhanded, true, but looking from the outside in, it’s a dick move.
As to the second set of questions- being as you well know I can’t use my magic powers to answer them- I will answer with a couple of my own: are there any tae kwon do blackbelts who you would hesitate to fight at your level? And two, would you drop your belt in a challenge to someone you truly thought would be able to take it? In short, you can accuse me of assuming you challenged a guy you thought beneath you in terms of skill and physicality. If that is not the case, by all means say so and we’ll view it from another angle.
I didn’t answer your last question as it is an appeal to authority. You asked it previously when I disagreed with your methods on dealing with potential customers. Yes, I have less time teaching my own class than you. I have taught seminars a number of times- but that total time would add up to a few weeks at most. I taught, not as head instructor, in Alaska for just under three years. I taught in Mississippi on and off informally while I was there during a 2 year ship assignment. All told, that was probably 8 months of teaching spaced out. I also have 11 years of leadership experience in the uniformed service. I’ve taught brand-new wet behind the ears ensigns how to pilot research ships. Total time? Maybe 2 1/2 years out of 4 years at sea.
None of that though makes me right. None of your greater time teaching makes you right. This isn’t about experience, it’s about leadership without resorting to the lowest common denominator. It’s about how to remain in control of etiquette without offering pummeling as the other option.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2639464]I told you he’s been mad at you for awhile. This is pent up shit from other threads. It is funny, the more he types the more you can tell it has nothing to do with this particular incident.
The comment about bamboo is the real issue.[/QUOTE]
Mad? No. I am waiting without much to do for a dinner party, and this thread caught my eye. It’s a good discussion (notice I’m not shitting up anywhere but YMAS), and it allows me a chance to explain an ongoing position of mine.
Do me a favor, you cull it.
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639468][SIZE=2]Mad? No. I am waiting without much to do for a dinner party, and this thread caught my eye.[/quote]LOL
It’s a good discussion (notice I’m not shitting up anywhere but YMAS), and it allows me a chance to explain an ongoing position of mine.[/SIZE]
Like I said, minus the small part you keyed in on, old shit from other threads.
Started Here:
Was Culled here:
Now, we are in trollshido.
Oh noes! Occupy Bullshido! I am the 99%! Or, yeah, something.
Perfectly happy to ramble here if you like.
[QUOTE=patfromlogan;2639452]Muerteds, so what was my post, chopped liver? Where are you working out? I worked out under Sensei Chuzo Kotaka (karate), who is very good (and has his dojo behind Koko head there off Hawaii Kai rd, - I dunno if it’s been mcdojo- ized over the years - he was funny as hell, he and his sempai kept telling the story of when Chuzo cut open sempai’s head in a demo with a sickle, they thought it was hilarious, “Blood all over! Ha ha ha!”. And Hee Il Cho teaches in the shopping center, and was last I saw was entering his students in JJ competition, which puts his TKD way above most I’d imagine.
[SIZE=2]Good, I was worried that responding to this would further clutter a thread I already shit right up. Anywho…
The karate place of which you speak is where my son goes to kindergarten. I might have to drop by and watch.
Hee Il Cho’s jiu jistu guy come well-recommended from a guy here at work. My coworker does kickboxing at a gym that trains MMA. He said that the jiu jitsu fella comes in and rolls with them periodically. Apparently, he tends to roll up his ukes like tacos on a regular basis.
[QUOTE=Muerteds;2639467]Ok, so it took a second to realize what your scattershot post was referring to.[FONT=Comic Sans MS] I assume your first questions to be how you dealt with Bamboo. Yes, you bullied him. You culled his post on the basis of you didn’t know who he was, and you didn’t feel his salient point was worth adding to the discussion because he wasn’t prominent enough on this site. Despite your caveat “Don’t take this wrong”- yeah your comment was snide and cutting. I realize you don’t see it as bullying. That’s how you deal with everyone here who is not a known entity to you. It’s evenhanded, true, but looking from the outside in, it’s a dick move.[/quote]I culled his post out of respect to JNP’s moderation policy. -Failure one
As to the second set of questions- being as you well know I can’t use my magic powers to answer them- I will answer with a couple of my own: are there any tae kwon do blackbelts who you would hesitate to fight at your level? And two, would you drop your belt in a challenge to someone you truly thought would be able to take it? In short, you can accuse me of assuming you challenged a guy you thought beneath you in terms of skill and physicality. If that is not the case, by all means say so and we’ll view it from another angle.
- No
- No
I didn’t answer your last question as it is an appeal to authority. You asked it previously when I disagreed with your methods on dealing with potential customers. Yes, I have less time teaching my own class than you. I have taught seminars a number of times- but that total time would add up to a few weeks at most. I taught, not as head instructor, in Alaska for just under three years. I taught in Mississippi on and off informally while I was there during a 2 year ship assignment. All told, that was probably 8 months of teaching spaced out. I also have 11 years of leadership experience in the uniformed service. I’ve taught brand-new wet behind the ears ensigns how to pilot research ships. Total time? Maybe 2 1/2 years out of 4 years at sea.
So not much business sense which means your comment means nothing.-failure 2
None of that though makes me right. None of your greater time teaching makes you right. This isn’t about experience, it’s about leadership without resorting to the lowest common denominator. It’s about how to remain in control of etiquette without offering pummeling as the other option.
You keep forgetting; I gave him other outs.-Third failure