I Do Magick Cuz I'm For Real

[ke the shit Han Pul sun sah tried to say to me at Jiri san…
Maybe you should talk to his ass he is an awesome sword master and korean kung fu guy
i have to give it up tho this dude can move on the rocks with amazing speed and swing that sword nicely. they also say he is the most deadly guy in south korea and he beat over a hundred kung fu sifu’s and fifty japanese karateka and judoka lol.

here is a link of this dude met him in person he is kind of koo tho he thinks martial arts are all about spiritual development.
here is a link[/quote]

How do I train with Han Pul in Sundomuyea from samsunggoong? Is this a taoist martial art? Do they used curves swords? Do they teach this in the us?

I Do Magick Cuz I’m For Real

[quote=ToUnderstand;1976371]Well this summer for a graduation gift my Parents sent me to Korea and i had the chance to chance to train at Sam Sung Gung with Han Pul Sun Sah, i was psyched because i heard nothing but good things about his training regimen and his prowess with the sword and his Taekkyun. My Aunt called a couple of months ahead to assure me a spot and after a few days of visiting Family in Busan and Jinju we headed west to Jiri San i can remember my ears popping as we drove up the winding mountain roads. The View was amazing lush green mountains covered in mist which psyched me up more to think i would train in such a awesome enviroment.

As we began reaching Sam Sung Gung we stopped by Chung Hak Dong a Korean boarding school to say hello to my little cousin Ji San who had been staying their for several months i was thouroughly amazed at how much he grew from the last time i visited. Afterwards the Sun Saeng Nim and Sa Mo Nim invited us to some tea i think it was some type of grain, after that we had lunch at the school it was good but but no meat all vegetarian and organic.

Upon leaving Chung Hak Dong we traveled the 5 kilometers to Sam Sung Gung and met with Han Pul Sun Sah’s wife for a personal interview she asked me questions along the lines of why do you want to train here, have you had prior martial arts expirience etc etc.
During the interview she served us green tea in the korean style which was pretty good as it was primo stuff from Ha Dong. Afterwards she said i passed the interview but i would have to wait to train as some students from Seoul University had priority over me for some reason. That made me kind of upset because my Aunt reserved my spot earlier than the uni students then the Sam Mo Nim explained that there was a change in the students calender or some shit so i had to wait another month and start some time in the middle of July. No biggie.

We walked around Sam Sung Gung the place is amazing waterfalls, walls of stones made by hand you couldnt help but be overwhelmed by the beauty of it this is when i got a little pissed that i couldnt start right away and was saying things like “imma take out them uni students when i get here” stupid immature things that looking back im ashamed i uttered… So then we left and it was decided that i would stay at Chung Hak Dong as a pseudo english tutor.

My first and olny week at Chung Hak Dong was spent waking up with the Kids at 6 am running to Sam Sung Gung and jogging back followed by squats, push ups, dive bombers crunches and leg raises. After that i ate breakfast then the Archery practice came, over the Month i was supposed to learn how to make a bamboo and horn bow but i never got to that… around twelve i helped the Sun Saeng Nim with chores like cutting firewood, weeding the garden and chopping down bamboo. later on when the kids came back we would hold conversations i would help them with vocabulary then we would play ssireum, soccer or some physichal activity around 6 is when i would go to the bamboo forest and just start hitting the larger bamboo stalks.

It was quite fun actually and i was enjoying my wait till i could start going to train at Sam Sung Gung but on Friday my Mother called and said my Uncle was in a car accident she was crying she said he was missing part of his chin and his face was so swollen and was in a coma. Upon hearing this the Sun Saeng Nim took me and picked up my cousin we had to lie to him until we got to the university hospital what i saw their was unbelievable all the family was their and every one was crying after seeing my uncle i started to cry when my Emo Bu said be a man and set an example but i couldnt help but shed quite a few tears. looking back now we were all hoping for a miracle for the impossible but i now finally understand when i was holding my uncles hand he was gone, but anyways still hoping and praying we sent him to baek bae won in Busan were we learned their was no hope his lungs were decaying on life support.

The Funeral ensued the following wensday as my uncle had no sons or wife the duties of the eldest son fell upon me being the eldest blood nephew, i still remember walking down the church isles holding his picture and taking his casket to be cremated. Its weird tho he always knew he was going to die young, now they are setting up a scholarship foundation for him and publishing his poems just when people started to read his poetry a drunk driver took his life, if my uncle olny wore his seatbelt he would have been alive let this be a lesson buckle up always.

sorry if you were expecting some bad ass tale of training in the mountains maybe next year.[/quote]

I’m sorry about your uncle. Is it ok if I ask about Sundomuye?

I see that there is a watered down Sundo but I want the authentic. I’m into Taoist religioin, alchemy and martial arts. Do they teach inner alchemy, healing arts, Taoist (Shinsundo) religious practices and martial arts? Where can I learn this in the US? How do I arrange training there? Is it like Wudang? How much does it cost? Can you train there for life and retire in the mountains in deep alchemical practice? Do they use curved swords?

[quote=ToUnderstand;1976371]Well this summer for a graduation gift my Parents sent me to Korea and i had the chance to chance to train at Sam Sung Gung with Han Pul Sun Sah, i was psyched because i heard nothing but good things about his training regimen and his prowess with the sword and his Taekkyun. My Aunt called a couple of months ahead to assure me a spot and after a few days of visiting Family in Busan and Jinju we headed west to Jiri San i can remember my ears popping as we drove up the winding mountain roads. The View was amazing lush green mountains covered in mist which psyched me up more to think i would train in such a awesome enviroment.

As we began reaching Sam Sung Gung we stopped by Chung Hak Dong a Korean boarding school to say hello to my little cousin Ji San who had been staying their for several months i was thouroughly amazed at how much he grew from the last time i visited. Afterwards the Sun Saeng Nim and Sa Mo Nim invited us to some tea i think it was some type of grain, after that we had lunch at the school it was good but but no meat all vegetarian and organic.

Upon leaving Chung Hak Dong we traveled the 5 kilometers to Sam Sung Gung and met with Han Pul Sun Sah’s wife for a personal interview she asked me questions along the lines of why do you want to train here, have you had prior martial arts expirience etc etc.
During the interview she served us green tea in the korean style which was pretty good as it was primo stuff from Ha Dong. Afterwards she said i passed the interview but i would have to wait to train as some students from Seoul University had priority over me for some reason. That made me kind of upset because my Aunt reserved my spot earlier than the uni students then the Sam Mo Nim explained that there was a change in the students calender or some shit so i had to wait another month and start some time in the middle of July. No biggie.

We walked around Sam Sung Gung the place is amazing waterfalls, walls of stones made by hand you couldnt help but be overwhelmed by the beauty of it this is when i got a little pissed that i couldnt start right away and was saying things like “imma take out them uni students when i get here” stupid immature things that looking back im ashamed i uttered… So then we left and it was decided that i would stay at Chung Hak Dong as a pseudo english tutor.

My first and olny week at Chung Hak Dong was spent waking up with the Kids at 6 am running to Sam Sung Gung and jogging back followed by squats, push ups, dive bombers crunches and leg raises. After that i ate breakfast then the Archery practice came, over the Month i was supposed to learn how to make a bamboo and horn bow but i never got to that… around twelve i helped the Sun Saeng Nim with chores like cutting firewood, weeding the garden and chopping down bamboo. later on when the kids came back we would hold conversations i would help them with vocabulary then we would play ssireum, soccer or some physichal activity around 6 is when i would go to the bamboo forest and just start hitting the larger bamboo stalks.

It was quite fun actually and i was enjoying my wait till i could start going to train at Sam Sung Gung but on Friday my Mother called and said my Uncle was in a car accident she was crying she said he was missing part of his chin and his face was so swollen and was in a coma. Upon hearing this the Sun Saeng Nim took me and picked up my cousin we had to lie to him until we got to the university hospital what i saw their was unbelievable all the family was their and every one was crying after seeing my uncle i started to cry when my Emo Bu said be a man and set an example but i couldnt help but shed quite a few tears. looking back now we were all hoping for a miracle for the impossible but i now finally understand when i was holding my uncles hand he was gone, but anyways still hoping and praying we sent him to baek bae won in Busan were we learned their was no hope his lungs were decaying on life support.

The Funeral ensued the following wensday as my uncle had no sons or wife the duties of the eldest son fell upon me being the eldest blood nephew, i still remember walking down the church isles holding his picture and taking his casket to be cremated. Its weird tho he always knew he was going to die young, now they are setting up a scholarship foundation for him and publishing his poems just when people started to read his poetry a drunk driver took his life, if my uncle olny wore his seatbelt he would have been alive let this be a lesson buckle up always.

sorry if you were expecting some bad ass tale of training in the mountains maybe next year.[/quote]

If you want you can hook up with me on fb

You travel to Jirisan and ask politely.

No, it’s a Doist martial art.

Why do you care?

No, and I pray to Buddha that they never do.

The poster you’re addressing was banned quite a while ago.


If you want to study and Samyunggung, get rid of your ideas of these things.

You can’t.

Go to Jirisan and ask politely.

Do you even know a single thing about Wudang, or have you just read a bunch of bullshit?

Your soul.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why the hell does that matter?

[quote=DerAuslander108;2376857]The poster you’re addressing was banned quite a while ago.


If you want to study and Samyunggung, get rid of your ideas of these things.

You can’t.

Go to Jirisan and ask politely.

Do you even know a single thing about Wudang, or have you just read a bunch of bullshit?

Your soul.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why the hell does that matter?[/qT

Thanks for the response. It looks like you’ve been there and have a lot of experience. They seems like ass holes because it rubbed off on you but you’ll get better. I can help you if you want. I’m a therapist if you need help. Someone can’t make a judgment about another’s phrases as being "Knowing what they hell they’re talking about? if they’re questions because questions are asking for information and if they knew what the hell they were talking about they wouldn’t be asking questions. Don’t try to think you know shit about this subject more than I do because you’ve spent more time jerking off on this site than I have.

It’s jerk offs like this that I asked NOT for responses from because we got no where but establishing that this dude needs to find out things to do than forget being polite! I asked nicely and I have my own motives for asking these questions nicely. If you don’t have that same courtesy to talk to me as if we were next to each other, then we’ll have to talk to the admins to see what can be done to enforce the “asshole rule”!


I have not been to Jirisan, but Hanpul-seonsa is a close friend of my teacher.

I do know more about this subject than someone who spends his time dabbling in Western pseudo-Occultism, and its not because I spend my time on this website.

My teacher, mentioned above is a monk who spent a great deal of time in seclusion on Jirisan. I’ve been tasked with bringing his teachings to the West.

I am the Admin of this forum and I would talk to you in this manner if we were face to face.

If you cannot handle simple intellectual challenges, what chance do you have of handling meditation and cultivation?

Do you think you have a right to your answers?

LOL at people who think they have to go across the planet and up a mountain to get good training in martial arts or meditation.

That being said there are some really beautiful places in the mountains in SK.

For some esoteric traditions, such as Hanpul-seonsa’s, you do. However, there are Korean Doist traditions with a small, but decent following in the US. They’re different from what we do (obviously), but I’d recommend them in a heartbeat.

Absolutely true.

[quote=DerAuslander108;2377086]For some esoteric traditions, such as Hanpul-seonsa’s, you do. However, there are Korean Doist traditions with a small, but decent following in the US. They’re different from what we do (obviously), but I’d recommend them in a heartbeat.

Absolutely true.[/quote]

Well, this is my first posting on this site even though I’ve been a member for the longest time. I avoided so because I didn’t feel like having to debate. I’m in grad school now and I don’t have the time to have to think about debating people for I would rather let people think and feel how they feel. I’m not here to convert, but get info from like interested people in a not challenging but facilitating manner. Otherwise, I would just not comment on something.

My interest is in esoterica. I practice Western Hermetic Ritual Magick, Voudon and Chaost magick. I’m interested in the esoteric, magickal teachings just as much as the martial arts. I know that this site seems to frown on that aspect, but I will say that there is a deep aspect to martial artists that can be as mundane as morality and ethics in terms of avoiding beating up whatever we want, like little grandmothers and such. I just go deeper. Is this BS? I will say maybe, but I’m always up for revision of my beliefs. My current research in grad school is on the human biofield and there is evidence supporting the existence of qi. They’re finding that exogenous energy fields do inlfluence regulatory protiens in cellular membrans and dna. It’s just like dark matter, scientists can’t see it but they know it’s there because of how light bends to it’s gravitational force. There is a lot of weird stuff that science doesn’t know how to explain. Just like the incorruptable bodies of catholic nuns and monks and buddhist and taoist monks that there bodies have been exhumed and they are still intact. You can google this and I first heard of this in my graduate nursing lecture. I feel something like qi and weird synchronistic things happen, BUT I will never argue that it does exist 100% because I’m open to new possibilities and it would make me look like an idiot if I said with absolution, “QI DOES EXIST!” because I can’t say that for sure. Just like no one can say that it does not exist becuase they dont’ have research date to back it up. They could say that it doesn’t exist because they can’t do telepathy and such but have you run across dark matter? If you did, let the scientists know an you’d be rewarded with a Nobel Prize.

Now, can someone use qi to win an mma fight without touching the opponnent? Fuck no! At least I’ve never seen it happen and I’m not going to try because that would be me getting a hurtin. For pure fighting, I still fall back on what works, boxing, muay thai, wrestling and BJJ. For other aspirations such as mental training and spiritual interests, I’ll look towards Internal Arts because meditation gives me a high from the deep breathing and endogenous opiods released from meditative practices, via the relaxation response. It’s a neurotransmitter thing. Now is there a weirder Aleister Crowley side that I study? Maybe, but we have to confirm with what’s physically verifiable.

I guess I could have asked this question better and it will take time for me to get adjusted to the brash way people talk here. Just understand that I have an esoteric interest as well as a martial arts interest. For real fighting, I go with what works and for esoterica, it’s a research and speculation fueled by weird experinces. Does the government have projects on studying the occult? According to some that worked in psy ops, yes. Was it a waste of money? Some say yes and so I say, maybe.

I have not been to Jirisan, but Hanpul-seonsa is a close friend of my teacher.

I do know more about this subject than someone who spends his time dabbling in Western pseudo-Occultism, and its not because I spend my time on this website.

My teacher, mentioned above is a monk who spent a great deal of time in seclusion on Jirisan. I’ve been tasked with bringing his teachings to the West.

I am the Admin of this forum and I would talk to you in this manner if we were face to face.

If you cannot handle simple intellectual challenges, what chance do you have of handling meditation and cultivation?

Do you think you have a right to your answers?[/quote]

Ok. I’ll say that I appreciate your semi resepctful response. I’m new to this and am not the type to engage in debates often because, like I said in the last response, I don’t push my opinions on others. I’d rather live and let live unless they ask for help with what I’m into. So, since I’m new and don’t am getting used to the style on how people respond in this manner, I took it as an attack at first. I’m learning that this is just the nature of the forums and need to take it more with a grain of salt. If you’re beleifs are not favorable to occultism, then I respect that because I don’t want to push my beliefs on others. I stand ready to admit when a part of occultism is found to be full BS and then I’ll adjust my learnings.

Your previous two posts are prime examples of why I would not recommend you for study at Jirisan.

You are all over the place.

Dabbling in this, dabbling in that…

[quote=DerAuslander108;2376849]You travel to Jirisan and ask politely.

No, it’s a Doist martial art.

Why do you care?

No, and I pray to Buddha that they never do.[/quote]

Sorry bro! Without the vocal inflections and non verbals, it sounded like you were mocking me. Like when you said, ask politely, it sounded like you were being cocky. The “pay with your soul” thing was for sure and I didn’t know if you were being funny and a buddy telling me this or trying to call me stupid. I come to this forum as thinking you guys are buddies with similar interests. I’ll all about uncovering charlatans that fake ranks and degrees and skills. I’m just hoping that we can laugh with each other and not at each other. And remember, the words typed on this forum are not accurate representatives of the entire person behind the pc.

It’s a good thing you’re interested in Dogyo.

You’ve got a lot of work to do if you’d want to hack it in real Seon Bulgyo.

[quote=DerAuslander108;2377290]Your previous two posts are prime examples of why I would not recommend you for study at Jirisan.

You are all over the place.

Dabbling in this, dabbling in that…[/quote]

Well, as chaos magickians, we learn pradigmal piracy. Even though certain voudon groups a curse trigger happy so it’s hard to take secrets out of their circles. But we take the essence of each technique to learn that whats at the base of them all. I’m no dabbler. I’m do things hardcore and am real. I do magick because I’m for real. I’m not doing it because it’s cool. By your definition, Bruce Lee was a dabbler and Mixed Martial artists are dabblers! We have something to learn from everything. I’m against Lee of Hwarangdo who has his students sign a contract to not study with other people because this is egotistical saying that he has all the answers?

We can calm this down if you start talking to me lie a friend that is helping me to learn from these Jirisan Masters. Your just cutting people down. Like, did you know that there are people that retire at Wudang and get to higher levels of alchemy? So your’e saying that there is nothing like this in Jirisan? We can calm down bro! Just be a little more polite when you write not for me but in life. People will respond to you nicer, like at the grocery store. I’m going to train with these Masters at Jirisan eventually and so maybe I’ll get to know you. We can stop the the offensive stance.

[quote=DerAuslander108;2377308]It’s a good thing you’re interested in Dogyo.

You’ve got a lot of work to do if you’d want to hack it in real Seon Bulgyo.[/quote]

Is this because buddhist is more external? What do you mean I’ve got a lot of work to do? You mean more than I did in the Army? then what I had to do in combat in Iraq? I mean, I’m paranoid because your making it seem like you know about me and so who have you had studying me? How do you know that this is a profectiong to the work that you have to do? Do you really feel good living your life like this or do you want to ask proper questions first before you make a comment? I mean, if you had to do a speech for an auto company, wouldnt it be good to find out if the crowd your in front of is the auto company and not some grass roots gathering? You seem to know a lot about stuff. Tell me the answers to my final next week.


Wudang is 80% commercialism, and means for Chinese gvt to make money off idiotic gwailo with too much jingle in their pocket.

Don’t make sic ravenous jiangshi on you.

[quote=Sri Hanuman;2377324]Srsly?

Wudang is 80% commercialism, and means for Chinese gvt to make money off idiotic gwailo with too much jingle in their pocket.

Don’t make sic ravenous jiangshi on you.

This is a big debate and some say misnomer. Julianne Zhou, who’s the wife of one of the two WUdang Monks in the US and I have had long exchanges of emails. From what they say that this is not so much the government. Are there business people behind it? Maybe, but does that take away from the possibility of learning real Taoist Alchemy?

We call that cultural appropriation, the raping of another culture for your own personal benefit. You want to subvert Korean culture for the sake of bullshit Western fabricated crap?

Until you let go of your preconceived notions, I’m not going to help you learn from any Jirisan master, my own, or Hanpul-seonsa. These teachings are not a playtoy for you to dig around in for your own pleasure.

For the sake of Korean culture, I hope not.

That shows me you know absolutely nothing about Seon Bulgyo.

I mean that you are trapped by your preconceived notions and desires. You’ve grabbed on to bullshit that satisfies the ego but offers no realization.

Your questions reveal your mind.

You must ask a proper question before you receive an answer.

Do you feel that you have earned the right to demand answers?


the hell

is a

“chaos magickian?”



the fuck


“pradigmal piracy?”

Look, now you’ve made me go all curse-wordy.