I died....

Why does your heart (or chest area) physically hurt when you’re emotionally sad?


[QUOTE=Marial Arts;2855510]sad
Why does your heart (or chest area) physically hurt when you’re emotionally sad?[/QUOTE]

Because you’ve shoved your emotional foot so far up your ass it hits your sternum from behind.

Don’t do that. Pucker up, your asshole is there for a reason.

[QUOTE=Marial Arts;2855510]sad
Why does your heart (or chest area) physically hurt when you’re emotionally sad?[/QUOTE]

Welcome back HM!

[QUOTE=ghost55;2855574]Welcome back HM![/QUOTE]

Guy could at least have called himself “Marital Arts”, so I could have made a dildo-joke or something.

[QUOTE=Hadzu;2855575]Guy could at least have called himself “Marital Arts”, so I could have made a dildo-joke or something.[/QUOTE]

There’s still time my friend. There’s always time.

Panic attacks can do that. What’s wrong?

[QUOTE=Marial Arts;2855510]Am going to die?[/QUOTE]Valar morghulis.

[QUOTE=NeilG;2856121]Valar morghulis.[/QUOTE]

Tulkas, of the Valar, is an immortal Ainu.

We’re all going to die. Except for me, of course.

In case anybody asks it was me.

Why are you spamming MTG cards in response to a GOT reference?

[QUOTE=NeilG;2856150]Why are you spamming MTG cards in response to a GOT reference?[/QUOTE]

Because LOTR > GOT, dammit.

Why not, the OP already got banned.

I’m ashamed I even recognized what those cards were.

Am I cool yet?

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2856149][/QUOTE]

Wait a minute. Is that a real card?

[QUOTE=Omega Supreme;2856167]Wait a minute. Is that a real card?[/QUOTE]

Nope. http://mtgcardsmith.com

Here’s one just for Bullshido

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2856173]Nope. http://mtgcardsmith.com[/QUOTE]




Dammit, you ass, now I have more tea up my nose and on my keyboard, second time today…