I didn't read the MABS rules for posting

[quote=arap;2403249]This is exactly right!
Several times our family (not just my family but everyones in the mcdojo) we offered to come up with business investments and all that to start our own mcdojo offshoot of his.
This is only by word of mouth, but i heard that he was caught stealing or something like that and was arrested trying to flee at DIA (denver international airport) what a fag.[/quote]

good i hope he was. I bet his non existent MA skills didn’t help him either :slight_smile: What a faggot, i hope i have the pleasure of running into him one day, people like him are exactly what gives martial arts a bad name.


Psst…You were caught by the necro bug.

I think you and I were cleaning up the same thread (different posts) at exactly the same time LOL