i didnt read the entire tread and i know you posted this years a while ago but want to bring the point that ur thinking of norther style tiger claw and eagle claw as chin na. bak fu pai from the way the train and even their mythcal back story shows that tehy decend from teh same family of MA as Bak mei, souther praying mantis, wing chung, and Lung ying mor kui.
Go on…
I’d like to hear more as well…
Re: i didnt read the entire tread
Is he waiting to exhale?
Re: i didnt read the entire tread
Hmmm…in this new format being trollshidoed seems like less of a punishment
[QUOTE=soldiermedic25;2505881]Hmmm…in this new format being trollshidoed seems like less of a punishment[/QUOTE]
Only to the clueless, the rest of the posters will laugh and the joke will go on and on and on and…
While were on the subject, what happened to the last post and meaningless gong sao and all of the other threads that were in the sub folders? Did they get lost?
I think they were sacrificed in order to summon forth the new “Trollshido” forum from the Outer Dark…just a theory.
Could be.