I decided to talk about Olympic TKD in the CMA forum

Conditioning is critical in ANY activity which involves the body striking/griping.
Any mountain climber knows its importance as does any full contact Karate and of course MT.

A MA’s idea of conditioning should extend beyond muscle to include tendons, ligaments and bone.

For me that’s the litmus test of a good instructor, and a red flag for LARPing ahead. Stupid ideas of “effective” fighting strategy is another. Case-in-point, TKD speed kick faggotry I see in TKD Olympics.

YouTube- Basic Olympic Taekwondo
Hello TKDer, Meet floor and say hello to Miss Armbar and her boyfriend Pwn’t.

Protip: An expert but unfit swimmer swimming against the currents will still get his ass drowned.

You’re a fucking idiot who needs to shut the fuck up.

I will give Olympic Taekwondo this though…

It looks kewl… Guess thats why it and gymnastics are in the olympics. Don’t know why WuShu isn’t.

Alot of that I’ve seen from the TKD people I’ve had a little play round with is that you don’t want to be on the recieving end of their Kick, thats a huge IF though. Cause I notice once your on the inside range away safe from Kicks, game over.

Is It Kraik

silly me, thinking CMA was YMAS.

You also chose to criticize a Martial Art that I see as being perfectly formidable in the hands and feet of the right practitioner… What caused you to draw such a negative conclusion? Was it maybe because TKDers and TSDers have done nothing but kick your ass your whole life?

Its mainly cause TKD has a bad reputation because its been mass marketed :expressionless:

Yes, I have seem exceptionally good TKDers, but their few and far between in my corner of the universe. IMO, Waist up kicks are to hard to pull off, by the time you’ve got your foot up and swining/thrusting, someone who knows what their doing will have done something to you by then.

[quote=SwordSaintSSX;2270524]Its mainly cause TKD has a bad reputation because its been mass marketed :expressionless:

Yes, I have seem exceptionally good TKDers, but their few and far between in my corner of the universe. IMO, Waist up kicks are to hard to pull off, by the time you’ve got your foot up and swining/thrusting, someone who knows what their doing will have done something to you by then.[/quote]

Exactly. In less than 3 months of learning Ashihara Karate, I can say with confidence I could TKO 30% of the 1st dan TKD black belts in my country and 70% of up to blue belt. Even though I was white belt, I was subject to this level of sparring.

YouTube- Ashihara 2008 Dinica Mihai

alpha2six, You must joking, in Singapore the average TKD fight is like below with 1/4 the intensity.

YouTube- taekwondo sparring match 2

Andy Hug (Kyokushin), blue glove, vs. Patrick Smith (TKD), red glove
YouTube- Kyokushin karate VS Taekwondo - Classic Fight

Interesting thing is, if you watch someone with a good deflection/defence training (E.g Wing Chun, Karate) They wouldn’t be going all out like these videos. I noticed alot of them, including myself. Usually end up hanging back and waiting for the opponent to make the mistake. TKD from my experiance hasn’t done to well in the Kumite area probally because of this. I unno, I’m still very inexperianced.

I’m sure Mr. “What did you say to my girlfriend to make her upset/cry” will be more than happy to engage in an exchange of kicks with you to avenge this offence to his girlfriend.

He also will make no attempt to grab your leg, then pin/trip before pummelling you with one hand while the hand is holding onto the kicking leg.

He also will make no attempt to kick you in the shins/crotch, stomp your feet or throw a sloppy hook/haymaker.

I mean srsly…
(FYI: I was being sarcastic)

you guys are all fucking idiots.