you were the one questioning my intelligence. therefore, you should watch your SPELLING (not grammar, einstein) before calling out others on theirs.
You started with the insults.
You were then asked to say it to his face.
now if you dumbfucks like omega, can not comprehend how easy this step is, then i really have nothing else to add. bash me for saying i enjoyed my time. bash him for being a fake. don’t ask him directly! brilliant. fucking brilliant!
Oh wait again with the name calling.
yes, i will be on the first plane! jesus, you are one of these tards?
Oops you accepted.
omega started it by daring me to say it to his face! this was in response to me calling him a little girl. me saying that was in response to him calling me a bitch (or something similar). that does not translate to me cqalling him out for a fight. . but again, you guys act like i should be impressed by your badassedness. i am not. i dont really give a fuck. i came in to say a guy was a good instructor. this contradicts the opinions of many on this board, so i got flamed.
way to selectively pull posts! let’s see, if saying he has amnesia constitutes name calling, what does his saying i need to learn to read count as (he said this first)? and after he called me a little bitch (conveniently omitted by you, i called him a little girl. THIS is where he challenged me to say it to his face, not where you placed it. and yes i accepted. clearly sarcasm is not something you comprehend.
i am sorry, i didnt realize this was a place where i had to come here and suck the dick of a bunch of wannabe mma standard bearers. that is not quite my style, if you have not noticed. but it is nice to see you come to the defense of your e-girlfriend. i am sure he appreciates it!
No let me quote you again with the numbers since, I now know you are trolling. You got me and Omega good job.
You got me, I admit it.
Notice post #54 you started the insults.
Remember this is what you whined about first.
i dont have to back anything up. its the internet! besides, i just called you a name (after you did). you were the one that wanted to get physical
Like I said you started with the insults which led to this clusterfuck.
Quit whining and either accept the challenge or STFU.
It is okay most scared little whiny men resort to name calling.
actually, i confused you with omega on the learning to read thing. no big deal since you seem to be up his ass anyway. but after he contradicted himself, my merely saying he must have amnesia is hardly a serious insult.
i started the insults? look at the first several posts after my first! sorry i dont have your mad quoting skills:
hi charlie!
oh, they speak japanese, it must be legit!
etc, etc
i accepted the challenge. i will be at the all valley karate tournament ready to wreck some people!
oh, and way to call omega a scared little whiny (lol, wtf is whiny?) little man
This user is not practicing the martial art stated in his profile. Mods ban plz. Kthxbai.
and now a break from our little drama Name calling: serious business
People talking shit anonymously from the safety of their keyboard? No way. (Congrats on being a dime a dozen OP.)
I concur.
Also, as an aside and to cover my ass from a banning too, I really am a tosser.
Thats a style??
Vids plz
I give it a 6/10 on the troll-o-meter.
Not many details aside from the karate torney thing, but good for a quick laugh.
What am I going to do about it? You don’t get to post anywhere else now.
So is there gonna be a fight? Or are we just gonna talk about it?
No there’s not going to be a fight. This guy just likes to talk shit.
i cant post elsewhere? say it aint so! my life is shattered! you started the fucking fight talk. as i stated previously, but it somehow has not made it through your little pea sized brain, i have no reason to fight. i am not a current fighter, so i wouldnt be doing it for the thrill pf competition. i am also not mad at you. i dont get mad from words on a keyboard from some wannabe badass. obviously, this is not the case for you. you are all worked up because i called you a little girl. but i stand corrected, you are clearly a big girl. i guess you think it is alright for you to run your fucking mouth, but not for people to respond in kind.
saying i challenged you to a fight is funny. after you challenged me to say it to your face, i only made 2 obviously joking references to fighting that would be clear to all but the dumbest of people (ie, obviously many in this forum). i am sorry that i got you all e-worked up. perhaps you should take some meds to control your anger issues. i, however, do not get fighting mad over words on a screen.
Joe Son, I think we’re all familiar with your fighting abilities:
Are you serious? Do you mean to tell us you don’t recognize your former instructor, Charlie Ward?