I challenge Omega to a Krotty ... point fight? ... forms competition? ... uh, what?

blow me little girl

How’d you like come say that to my face?

yes, i will be on the first plane! jesus, you are one of these tards?

Why yes I am. MMA rules or NHB?

way to take it out of context. yes, i said he was the baddest man i have ever met. and that is true. but i never said it in terms of he would kick your ass. same with the sparring. i simply meant, if you doubt his skills, go SPAR with him. not fight.

yes, clearly i wanted a fight. here was my first post. then read the quotes following it. and it was me looking for an argument?

i wrote:

i can add a little to this. I studided under this man in North Dakota in the mid 90’s while he was teaching his art called Amrajutsu. this was at the beginning of the ufc. i can tell you this man was never anything but TOTALLY respectful to martial arts. he required you to watch his class a week before you could join to see if it was for you. he kicked out 2 guys who started a fight in a bar one weekend because they were bragging about being badasses, etc. we spoke japanese extensively in class. he never bragged about being a badass, but i have NEVER come across anyone in my life who was badder.

what he always said about the ufc was this: the gracies started this to promote royce. there were plenty of better fighters that never got a shot in the ufc because they did not want to put royce at risk. he never said he was “overqualified,” just that he and others may have been better competition early on.

as for why he did not fight in pride or ufc later, he was always battling injuries. he actually had 1 fight while i was studying under him and it was in oklahoma and he won. but after it he said it would be his last fight because he didnt want to get banged up anymore and just preferred to teach.

i have nothing put positive things to say about him. i have no way of verifying what he says, so i wont comment on it. what i will say is that he never came across as a blowhard, liar, cheat, phoney, etc. he was respectful to all and always downplayed his own accomplishments. i also know that he does have a teaching degree, so he is qualified to teach. and if you guys think he is a fraud, go down and spar with him! i am sure he would love to have you.

oh and 2 more things. he used to go by chuck ward and tai’kor i am not familiar with. however, his amrajutsu was very similay to a combat jj. nothing flashy at all about it.

clearly i came here full of venom!

ok, i will fight you. but only if you meet me at the All Valley Karate Tournament!

I’m not joking. You want to fight I’m always down. You accuse me of something that is plainly obvious that I didn’t do is fucked up. The way it works is you can fly to me or I can fly to you. Whoever loses has to pay all the travel expenses. I’m easy to get along with.

i didnt try to book shit. i just said go down and see him if you doubt it. maybe you will kick his ass, who knows? i just meant that it could solve questions.

yes, i have NEVER come across someone badder. of course my circle of friends does not include fedor. so what if i said this? what is your point?
i said in HIS opinion, he and OTHER fighters were better than some early ufc fighters. i dont think this is a big revelation. certainly more than a few people think the early ufc’s were littered with easy targets to make gracie look more legit. and he didnt say this during his instruction to promote how bad he was. it was in a personal conversation. nice try.

i never said anything about fighting you. you first started the physical threats. i would bet $20 you are shorter than 5’9. because it is painfully obvious you suffer from short mans disease. sorry that my calling you a little girl hurt your e-feelings. i am not a current fighter, nor have i ever had a professional fight. i am not even currently training. so sorry to say that i dont really get worked up enough over a little girls bitching on the internet to want to fight. what you should do is look up the fraud that is mr. ward and tell him you are going to kick his ass for being my instructor years ago!

Oh I get it sarcasm right?

what you should do is look up the fraud that is mr. ward and tell him you are going to kick his ass for being my instructor years ago!

Wow. Right back to throwing shit on your former instructor.

A. You owe me $20.
B. Your psychological analysis is all wrong.
C. You haven’t hurt my feelings, you’ve just proved my point.
D. I’m not currently a fighter either but I don’t talk shit unless I’m willing to back it up.
E. Little girls crying? Here’s the phone the pot is calling you black.
F. I didn’t call Ward a fraud. You keep accusing me of this.

You need to learn to read beyond a fifth grade level pussy. I gave you the quote in which I actually concured with your sentiment so why don’t you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. You don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s obvious you’re a little pussy bitch.

Not the first time you’ve said that, I’m sure, although I’d bet you did it with a different intention the other times. And you probably said it in person, to actual little girls.

Good luck with your pit fighting during your next twelve years in prison.

again, it was sarcasm. i got some douche that wants to fly in to fight me because after he called me a name, i called him a name back, so i resort to sarcasm.

Point: I would actually fly out and say what I said to your face and be ready for the consequence.

Point: You would not.

Conclusion: You need to take a step back and watch what you say you internet keyboard warrior.

-it is in the mail
-i doubt it
-yes, i did. you are really, really e-pissed at me!
-i dont have to back anything up. its the internet! besides, i just called you a name (after you did). you were the one that wanted to get physical
-crying? not so much. just pointing out that maybe perhaps you guys might want to go to the source in search of answers

  • i was referring to the board in general

sorry, in 4th grade, we had not yet learned what “concured” meant. please clarify.

and i know you are but what am i?

admit it, you want to go John Koppenhaver on me don’t you? you want to e-stomp the shit out of me! wow, what a fucking tool you are. try getting laid or something. it might calm you down.

No, we are right back to you learning how to read. You insulted and accused Omega and myself of calling Chuck a fraud, liar phony etc.

Nowhere, in any of the posts, was that said by either of us. When told what you were doing you backed yourself into a corner and continued saying these lies.

You thought someone was playing internet tough guy and you challenged Omega. That is on you. I don’t give a fuck what other website you go to but, here people will fly to meet you.

Remember that the next time you decide to call someone’s bluff.

wow, good stuff. you should write for letterman.

and i am not a pitfighter. it was a joke. welcome to the thread

Wow, let’s go pick on the guys grammar now. Try using proper sentences and you’ll have room to talk.

I’m a fucking tool? Go look at your posts dumbass.

you started with the threats. i dont give a shit enough about you to fly out and call you a girl. this would apply whether or not i believe i could kick your ass.

conclusion- why watch what i say? what in bloody hell are you gonna do about it? nothing!