I call out our very own OMEGA as Bullshido

First off: This post has nothing to do with Omega’s skill or accomplishments in Kung Fu and I’m sure he is quite qualified in that art to practice, teach and/or just plain kick ass.

THIS is about his bullshido claim about having mastered MY own self-developed style.

I came to this site and introduced myself in this thread: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=36839 where I mentioned my linear hand/arm technique and that I had become a Master at the age of 12.

Omega quickly ‘moved’ my thread to the Newbietown forum so that it would never be seen again. (this was the first sign of the shenanigans perpertrated)

Then, later o-MegaMan posts this gem:


You see, I don’t have to prove MY lineage because I discovered this style on my own and had no one teach me this… I remember the night clearly when I first developed the initial forms… I had just finished watching Baywatch and I was laying in the bath, when all of the sudden it came to me! Though it took a while, I had positive results that first time.

From that moment on, I trained and trained every night, morning and several times a day. I quickly showed improvment in my technique and developed more variations. I had become a Master by the age of 12.

Since I have trouble finding training partners, I have been able to keep my technique secret for many years… well, there was one time when my asshole dad walked in on me when I was practicing a groundwork method.


You went through a lot of trouble to make a really bad joke.

I guess the last part was funny.

Yes. Your bad jokes are much quicker.

Ronin ? is that you ?

If you lineage traces back to my dad… well,… I gonna pull my ‘9’ and bust a load on him while he’s sleeping!

Further, if you did learn my style from my dad, you should know that you don’t know all of the methods, as he only saw my ground technique.

… There is also stand-up forms, a couple of stricks… and even a block!

Pretty much. I don’t go through all the trouble of writing two tl;dr posts and making myself look like a fag for some cheap giggles.

If you’re not sure if, it’s not funny.

I love that ‘tl;dr’ has a semi-colon. It’s somehow charming.

I challenge Omega to a match using my style.

You come to Texas and if you can beat me in my style, (with a positive result in your favor), then I’ll resend this charge and politely bow to you (but don’t expect me to shake your hand)

If you lose, then:

1- You recognise me as the master of the linear hand/arm techniques
2- You stop teaching others my technique
3- You provide the phone numbers, addresses and full body photos of the female students you taught

I will either teach them myself or strip them… of their belts (or whatever rank they are wearing)

it’s because you’re old and don’t understand our modern trends. Go read a newspaper and make yourself some coffee.

It’s too late for coffee. What about tea with soy milk?

Why can’t you be old somewhere else? Don’t you people have a country or something?

I’m just a poor boy, from a poor family.

Freddie isn’t old, he’s dead. Dead people are cool, they have a bunch of exciting movies. Movies about old people always suck.

The Omega challenge goes like this:

You fly to Omega, if you win, Omega pays for your airfare, you lose he doesn’t.

You suck, your style sucks, Texas sucks, and for the record your mom sucks.

Let me go.

hmmm, how long until trollshido?

Get back to work, feeding me and putting a roof over my head so I can mouth off to you like an disrespectful little shit.

Don’t jinx it. We’re talking about the newspaper and coffee. KSwolf.