I broke my toe on the keyboard wooden dummy

I broke my Toe many years Ago when perform some wrong kick tehnique in sparr.

Tots def. Toe kicking is fucking awesome, presuming you have a nice hard shoe on.
Doing it barefoot, on the other hand, is a nice recipe for broken toes and/or arthritis.

It’s hard for me to toe kick, even with shoes on. I hurt my toes many times as a neophyte that I always pull my toes back. Even doing a round kick.

These guys flap their arms downward and kick you in the shins…that’s pretty much the entire kicking repertoire?

And for the punches, they wing back and throw realllllly slow, telegraphed backfist/chops that would never land anyway?

Wouldn’t be hard to defend either of these “fundamentals”. Punch when he kicks combined with don’t be a tree or a brick would be pretty effective.

Rural Chinese can out-LARP almost anyone.

Mr Fake your sheerdog thread titles are some of the most deliberatly entertaining things on bullshido.