Proof is on the floor! Just watching him is enough to make one puke while one’s laughing. Carter’s skills are limited, whereas, a true Soke/Grandmaster’s aren’t. One of my biggest red-flags is that Carter’s school is private…private in the way that he personally selects students, students that he can BS. Highest ranking in Tulsa, OK? That’s pure BS…what a joke!
Anyone can claim Sokeship/Grandmastership. How? Lawyers will tell you that the only requirement(s) one needs in a court of law to back up this claim is…A LOGO/LETTERHEAD…that’s it! Is Carter breaking the law for falsifying his Sokeship/Grandmastership? Nope…he’s got a logo and a letterhead…he’s legitimate as far as the law’s concerned…this scares the crap out of me!
Carter’s school of BS won’t be closed because of this or any other forum or persons because he’s got what he needs to continue his lies.