I am troll hear me squeak.

Why? Cause they never punch above their neckline and they always do it downwards so it makes sense for them to only use their two knuckles. If you try that with a strait punch your gonna end up landing flat against your index finger/ or have a bent wrists and thats bad.

Tell us more, O’ Fountain of Knowledge!

Get out. Shut up. Shut up and die.

Aww your only mad cause I’m right. Next I’ll tell you how to throw a fire ball.

You have a few major problems, let me list them:

  1. You have no idea what you are talking about.
  2. You talk about things that you have no idea about.
  3. You think you know things that you think others have no idea about.
  4. Your penis is imaginary.
  5. The things you know are things that other people know a lot more about.
  6. You are still young and your virginity is not going to remain intact forever. Chin up.

Damn! What a disappointing thread. I expected at least a half assed explanation for why krotty punches suck. As much as I’m not into karate I figure you’ve got to give the practitioners more credit than the OP does.

Can the OP at least link a video that shows what the hell he’s talking about? Or at least explain how he thinks karate punches differ from any other punch? Yes, I know some styles punch from the hip and don’t incorporate a lot of “body” in the punch (drawing from my TSD experience which is basically korean shotokan right?). I imagine a person of any style punching at a target significantly higher than his or her own head will have to make some adjustments.

Given the retarded wording of the OP I think something can be learned here, or maybe we should start a serious thread in the striking or technique forum. How does striking at a much taller person change the mechanics of a punch? Short guys what do you think?

[QUOTE=Batshatcrazy;2674029]Why? Cause they never punch above their neckline and they always do it downwards so it makes sense for them to only use their two knuckles. If you try that with a strait punch your gonna end up landing flat against your index finger/ or have a bent wrists and thats bad.[/QUOTE]

Just curious. What is “freestyle?”

Sent from my BlackBerry 9650 using Tapatalk

Batshatcrazy … indeed.

I didn’t realize that all punches from all practitioners from all branches of karate could be summed up so neatly. Really saves the trouble of, you know, training.

[QUOTE=jwilde88;2674082]Just curious. What is “freestyle?”[/QUOTE]

‘I don’t train but I’ve seen Enter the Dragon 217 times and have every episode of TUF on Tivo.’

[QUOTE=Zod;2674111]‘I don’t train but I’ve seen Enter the Dragon 217 times and have every episode of TUF on Tivo.’[/QUOTE]

Clearly a karateka’s worst nightmare. I suppose boxers should be inducted into this “2 knucle punching wall of shame” as well?

Sent from my BlackBerry 9650 using Tapatalk

Enter the dragon? Puleeez. I got all the moves from street fighter, tekken, to king of fighters. All you amatuers can’t compare.

Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch

[QUOTE=Batshatcrazy;2674029]Why? Cause they never punch above their neckline and they always do it downwards so it makes sense for them to only use their two knuckles. If you try that with a strait punch your gonna end up landing flat against your index finger/ or have a bent wrists and thats bad.[/QUOTE]

Tell me. If a karateka was sending a reverse punch straight into your kisser would you just stand there and take it like a champ? The punch being unsound and all.

[QUOTE=jedtex88;2674170]Tell me. If a karateka was sending a reverse punch straight into your kisser would you just stand there and take it like a champ? The punch being unsound and all.[/QUOTE]

Redundant, as karate can’t punch you in the face.

I always put on gloves and wraps before I punch people so I don’t hurt my hand, in fact I don’t leave home without them on just in case.

In fact, I leave them on at home, and when the Missus talks back I smash her in the ovaries and the gloves don’t leave marks.


[QUOTE=Volya;2674191]Redundant, as karate can’t punch you in the face.

[Captain obvious]Only Kyukushin and it’s derivations tend to not punch the face , pretty much all other Karate does [/Captain obvious]

[QUOTE=TaeBo_Master;2674164]Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch[/QUOTE]

Heaven Piercing Fist > Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch

[QUOTE=TaeBo_Master;2674164]Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch[/QUOTE]

Falcon punch(!!!) > Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch.

[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2674426]Falcon punch(!!!) > Dragon Punch > 1 inch punch.[/QUOTE]

Cock-punch > all other punches

[QUOTE=Ignorami;2674542]Cock-punch > all other punches[/QUOTE]