I am the first to post on the last person to post. On the bugle

[QUOTE=Styygens;2570323]I am getting terrible server problems. DOS attack? Did we piss off The-Anonymous-Group-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named?

The problem with web hosting is the issue could be completely unrelated to Bullshido.

The traceroute seemed to suggest the problem is with communityhosting.net’s upstream provider, WholeSale Internet, Inc. I checked again and WholeSale seems to be more stable, but Bullshido/Communityhosting are not:

Pinging bullshido.net [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=139ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=210ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=180ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=79ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=116ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=157ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=50

Sometimes this kind of thing can be due to embedded ads that cause a shitstorm of traffic. A denial of service attack would involved more packetloss (this is just varied latency, which is just as obnoxious).

Anonymous is too busy running from authorities and its own members turning on each other to attack Bullshido, imho.

I dunno, Skip. That one has a certain ring to it too… I think I’ll hold out for the “Arashikage” Fix. It looks more authentic – relatively speaking. I can’t wait for the next Booj “It Is Real” thread to pop-up now.[/QUOTE]

For the record Sty I knew it was spelled Arashikage, but a year on Bullshido has made me have this knee jerk reaction where I immediately assume I am wrong the more sure I am of something, so I wait a while before saying it.

Wrabbit, how long have your points been back in the black?

I’d have congratulated you if I’d spotted it at the time.

Well done anyway sir.

[QUOTE=Ignorami;2570344]Wrabbit, how long have your points been back in the black?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves…but thanks.

new topic:

what are the benefits of sit-ups? i’ve been hearing that they aren’t actually good for anything, and that i would be better off doing different, more sophisticated ab work outs. thoughts?

[QUOTE=Conde Koma;2570353]new topic:

what are the benefits of sit-ups? i’ve been hearing that they aren’t actually good for anything, and that i would be better off doing different, more sophisticated ab work outs. thoughts?[/QUOTE]

Someone recently told me bicycle crunches were the best. It made superficial sense to me, since straight up sit ups focus most of the tension on one plane of muscle, as opposed to the “rolling” tension in the bicycles.

yeah, there’s a seven minute ab series floating around the net that i did for a bit back in college, that was part of it.

I dunno, Skip. That one has a certain ring to it too… I think I’ll hold out for the “Arashikage” Fix. It looks more authentic – relatively speaking. I can’t wait for the next Booj “It Is Real” thread to pop-up now.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure?

Because Snake Eyes looks like he is REALLY happy with the one I did. Snakes Eyes can’t wait for the next Booj “It Is Real” thread to pop up either.

snake eyes can’t wait for a lot of things. that’s part of his problem.



headbutting anything, even a ping pong ball, a dozen times in a row is pretty annoying. it doesn’t exactly hurt, but it’s stingy and weird.

Headbutts during sparring are sort of epic.

In a really painful way.

i wanna study bando cuz they’re the only style that does headbutting and that’s so much better for street fighting than that sport stuff guys.

Speaking of painful and potentially dangerous techniques, what do you think the level of safety in an MA should be? For example, for my chosen RBSD, one could possibly train with the level of violence, intensity and disregard for safety that was depicted in that Fight Quest episode featuring Krav Maga, but that would be way, way, way too painful to keep up for any length of time, especially if you trained at that crazy lady’s school.

Or you could go to the other end and train like mainstream booj practitioners.

I don’t know.

there’s not like a single continuum. the scales for “safety” and “practicality” go crosswise, and vary not from style to style, but school to school.

honestly, i think bjj is probably one of the safest sports you can train in, with far less injuries than judo or boxing. that said, if you train anything intelligently, there’s no reason you should be getting injured at all.

BJJ, although a bit harsh on the ears and skin, is a fuckload safer than any striking activity I’ve ever participated in, mainly because the pace is relatively slow for a fighting art and the second you feel pain, you tap.

The biggest problem in my primary art is that a lot of instructors either train with violence far in excess of what is necessary or intelligent (check out Avivit Cohen, Darren Levine or Dave Bluestein) or have absolutely no idea how to institute aliveness so they resort to pure compliant training (Your average ATA, 3 day instructor certificate type). Then again, your average ATA franchisee probably can’t get the insurance needed to run the sort hard contact that he’s supposed to train his students with.

What do Advanced Technology Attachment busses have to do with KM?

american trans air?

Alternate Tailor Associates?

[QUOTE=Conde Koma;2570353]new topic:

what are the benefits of sit-ups? i’ve been hearing that they aren’t actually good for anything, and that i would be better off doing different, more sophisticated ab work outs. thoughts?[/QUOTE]

No Idea. I do them cos I am told to do them.
We do four minute abs sets. Bycicles,leg raises, situps,leg raises, then repeat. 30 second sets.

Then a five minute set. planks, side hold things left and right ,planks and then sort of briges. On the shoulders.

I did do9 a vid of our five minute kettlebells that I need to upload. I might do a vid of our sit up sets. At least it can give some ideas.

I keep hearing about kettlebells these days.

The only weights i have in the house are a set of dumbbells. Are kettlebells worth the investment?

They seem expensive, and I’m poorly motivated to exercise, but if they are convenient, and I can get a lot out 15 minute sessions without a lot of set up time, I could probably justify it.