The only thing worse then repeated thread necromancy is catching the unyielding attention of both ItIsFake and TomKagan for repeated thread necromancy.
But at least now we have a thread where we can make fun of you for all threads at once. Posting in each is a pain in the ass.
yeah to tell the truth its sort of an ego boost its like damn I,ve only been here a day and I,m already ennough of a douche to get my own thread! {no seriously sorry I did my black magick on the threads.} Maybe phrost should make a special tag for me that shows a zombie bull.
All publicity is good publicity someone keep this thread alive. I kinda feel like I own it or something.
Who created this in the firstplace Itisfake?
Why are you asking to be banned?
How am I asking to be banned by saying I am a douche?
Its not like I,m lying
Do you think you should start?
[QUOTE=Angrydog;2071285]How am I asking to be banned by saying I am a douche?[/QUOTE]
From one dog to another, it is best if you stop being and BRAGGING about being a douche. We want intelligent, contributing members to post on this site. If you really do not have anything to add relevant to the current discussions, be like me and lurk and learn. We already have the 3Moose1, and do not need another post whore.
Alright in all seriousness I understand you I,m just playing I can get serious when I need to be. I get the drift dont worry.
I thought of something else I just wanted to say I am serious about bullshido and serious about the martial arts I dont plan on pulluting the forurms I didnt mean to come across has a smartass I was just joking. I,m over the initial shock of posting it was sort of cool, since I was lurking for a year. I do plan on posting intelligently and If you look on some of my more recent post you will see that attititude reflected. see you around.