
THX-1138, you raise a good point.
What do you think the possibility of the following situation?

When one person is applying the headlock and they struggle. The headlockee surges forward, the person applying the headlock to the headlockee has the grip around the head slip towards the headlockee’s body and latches on around the neck. Could there be potential for the headlocker to create a choke?


I suppose through dumb luck or many years of trial and error, well, yes, though it may be discounted as a lack of conditioning or the amorous effect of manly physical contact that has been bandied about as fact in certain dubious circles whose members gather clandestinely.

…or so I hear.

There are very few Evan Tanner’s in this world and even he learned from fight footage. So, as has been stated before, best case scenario has them becoming brawlers that are skilled against each other’s style and not much more.

Evan Tanner trained here at Team Quest.

word was that he was pretty terrible when he first showed up.

Agreed, but I was driving at the long term implications of the self taught masses. For example, what if some guy who is a mma enthusiast, gets himself some gloves, some friends and some space and starts spar/fight with one another. They continue for a couple of years and one day he gets the bright idea to open up his own gym, for profit, and call it ‘(insert name/action verb) MMA’. So his credentials are: ‘Hard sparring/fighting’ (no pro or amatuer record, no accredation), which, let’s face it, is just as legitimate a resume as a lot of kung fu teachers. I guess what I was really getting to was; is the popularity of mma and a portion of this new, self-taught fanbase going to give rise to the MMA McDojo? A McDojo where instead of the ‘all theory, no sparring’ TMA approach is taught it would be the exact opposite. A complete lack of theory and proper application.

To be sure it sounds pretty ridiculous. I mean, who would ever sign up to pay for classes from a guy who has no record or accredation. Except that people still take aikido classes and they still sign up for Mystical Chi Monkey -Dragon Horn Gung Fu.

I should admit that I have no idea what you have to do in order to open up a gym so if there is some kind of governing body then of course it would rule my question completely pointless (which it probably is already).

I don’t necessarily know what would happen in your scenario. But I can say if there is a toilet, a supply of food, and an XBox in that room you locked them in, not much martial anything will be result of this experiment.

Hey, I just got done with happy hour, and I’ve had a couple of drinks, and I just had a thought, and maybe this is nuts, because of the drinking, at the happy hour, and all, and I know that sometimes I don’t make a lick of sense, sometimes even when I’m sober, and right now I’m not, but I just had this thought, and was thinking, maybe you should fucking shut the fuck up, and maybe stay that way.

Just a thought.

I’ll drink to that. No really, i’m having a shot of rum right…now. gulp

I can honestly say I’ve never had my feelings so hurt and my self esteem so impacted. Woe is the man who hath started a thread that illicited such a brutal rebuffing. I’ll probably go cut myself now, dye my hair black etc.

My advice would be to get some proper training in EMO and not just wing it from renting Robert Smith videos.