hypermobility and graplling...when to tap?

OK, I searched this, but it might have been done already. I’m very new to grappling, but I am finding to my delight that many many locks and things (see my amazing grasp of techical terms) don’t work very well (or at all) on me. I am hypermobile and double jointed in most places, and it would appear I don’t feel pain much.
Which makes me wonder about tapping. If someone has me in a foot lock of some description, should I be tapping early to avoid suddenly snapping things in my ankle, or trying to use my bendiness to get out of it?
similarly, throws, I can pop my right shoulder out and in again without doing any harm, so if someone is trying to throw me from an arm lock would I do better to go with it, or risk getting into the habit of resisting and freaking out my opponent (the look of horror on my instructor’s face was priceless).



If it doesn’t affect you, don’t tap. But don’t complain if one day it starts affecting you.

hypermobility: doctor speak for a really big range of movement in a joint. super stretchy tendons and such like. It means I dislocate things easily, but that it does less damage, and pops back in easily.

my worry is that although it doesn’t hurt, that I’ll be doing damage anyway. or something.

IMO it’s probably not doing damage if it’s not hurting, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask a sports doctor rather than us here on Bullshido.

Also, could it just be the people who are trying the submissions suck? Or is this like… a blatantly locked in keylock having no effect?

the second one. Initially the instructors thought it was my partener (also a noob) doing it wrong. They had a go and got a bit freaked out at just how far bits of me bend.

for example. my foot bends to, like 15-20 degrees past straight (straight being in a line with my shin)

this got moved to trollshido? meh. whatever.

Yeah, I don’t see why this really got trollshido’d…

I’m not hypermobile or anything, but I do have the common “hand to inside of forearm” wrist flexibility. What it means is that I’m mostly unaffected by wristlocks that force my wrists that way, and I can bend my wrist that way to make some arm isolation escapes possible.

Pain is the typical bodilly response to physical damage, so barring anything odd, if you don’t feel pain, you aren’t being damaged. But with joints (ankles especally) pain doesn’t become extreme until after serious damage is done. So hold out at your own risk.