How to lower your post count

I think it might be advisable to perhaps achieve a black belt level in your traditional martial art before cross training. But I don’t have any experience in cross training, so I wouldn’t know.

Perhaps then, on this matter you should refrain from posting

No, I like to build up my post count.

I think that its simple one should always do some Grappling and some striking.

Excised from: When To Cross-Train? - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Kraik, the technique forums are moderated for content. Go increase your post count in YMAS like everyone else.

Be warned, if you make another off topic post in the technique forums, I will give you an infraction.

Jesus Christ kid .


This has been nonstop , stop posting about shit you don’t know or understand in ANY forum , you are just coming off as a fucking retard .

P.S. no one likes you

I think it might be advisable for you to:

[quote=Mr. Machette;2264459]I think it might be advisable for you to:

YouTube- Shut the fuck up.

Now with Audio !!!

yea my post count went down, its like time going backwards…

my post count!!!11

Mines 5 from 1000 right now, I wonder If i get something at 1000, besides a comma…

There’s no such thing as giving your opponents “too much respect”. The best respect you can give them is by taking on them in a professional manner to the best of your ability. From what I’ve read, you haven’t done that. One way of dealing with this is to focus your levels of hate and rage, not everyone can do this, but if you can then use it to your advantage.

Post # 12 excised from: Things I learned at my first tournament… - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

[marquee]then don’t fucking post about it!!![/marquee]

i can haz mod pozishun naw?


Goodbye Kraik…I havent enjoyed any moment of it…

I am going to focus some hate and rage right now.
Have you ever competed in sub grappling, BJJ or Judo, Kraik?

He was worried of his opponents abilities and did not have enough faith in his own. Saying he showed them to much respect was just to save some face. With time and practice those things pass and you begin to focus on what you are doing in the gym and start implementing them in competition. If he went out and bitch slapped the other guy or called him a queer then I would talk to him about actual respect.

He didn’t do that he froze up. It happens. If you had any competition experience you would know what he is talking about and be able to give advice accordingly.

Competition is about testing yourself and pushing yourself past some predetermined limit. You do it with humility and you respect your opponent for getting on the mat with you. After you shake hands you impose your will on him or he imposes his on you. Respect has nothing to do with technique and the actual combat. After the match you shake hands and go about your day.

It is a learning experience and a huge part of growing in martial arts.

Spouting asinine wanna be Miyagi sayings just makes you a douche.

Focus your hate and rage. Seriously whats next he needs to levitate shit and build a light saber?