How to get Der Auslander to give you a rusty trombone

yeah, i’m curious too

We were discussing Ninja Turtles and Tone Loc in the “Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins”, and I quoted Tone Loc’s line from Surf Ninjas, “Bruthas don’t surf!”

RedGonzo said something about not stereotyping people, so, just to troll him a little, I told him never to call me racist again.

Hook, line, and sink her…

He got this worked up over that? Where is that pic Phrost has of Fighter Jones?

Seriously…read the last dozen posts of the “Last Person” thread. I’m actually kind of impressed. RedGonzo actually dug up posts where I mocked the French and admitted my hatred for Whitey to prove I was being racist and a hypocrite.

Just admit it, RedGonzo, you just got owned.

Saying “gip” is rascist. It’s a slander against Gypsies.

Every participant in this thread is under arrest, for crimes too numerous to count.

Thanks for the welcome Der,
I thought this guy was just joking about, I didn’t realise he was actually accusing you of being a little punk.

Saying “gip” is rascist. It’s a slander against Gypsies.

No, if you did some homework you would realise what an illiterate fool you are.

And you spelt racist incorrectly.

… and the French are fair game, aren’t they?


Okay, I admit it, but only because that link was funny as hell.
The reason I’ve been fuckin with you isn’t because of your posts here in Trollshido, it’s because of this Remark in “BULLSHIDO: Kendo self-defense clip for women (against a “fully resisting” opponent)”.

Der’s and mine’s dialogue begins with a statement made by Go-ju joe at response #34 and my final post on the matter was at#58. As you can see, Der was being a dickweed, as was I.
Why did I decide to start it up again when I saw you here in Trollshido? Because this is Trollshido. Anyway, after seeing the work you put into that link, I just can’t be mad anymore, although you’re still a rascist hipocritical bitch.:love3:

It looks to me like your link proved my point for me. gip=gyp=Gypsy. It’s derogatory. sorrie for thu mispel.

sorry liam he’s got you here. gip comes from gyp and is a term used to say you got robbed. this came about because Gypies were notorious for this.

this is similar to the derrogatory remark So and So got “Jewed” to imply they got swindled.

Shit, I says gipped and jewed. now i’m a racist!

Wow…that was you?

See how little of a blip on my radar that event was?

You’ve impressed me again. You’ve reached a depth of stupidity I never even fathomed.

You are all gay.

Not . . . . that there is anything wrong with that. . . .


homosexual > troll

He doesn’t even troll well.

I am only as good a my material.

Got that new troll to explode into tantrums.


Maybe if we just give him time, he’ll get better.

How many gong sau’s has Bullshido had on account of spite? I mean like real fights not like “I must regain the honor I lost at the last Throwdown” tongue-in-cheek affair.

Not to make Trollshido serious, but has there been really any carried-through “teh d34dly internet challenges?” I am aware of one with Kidspatula.


None of the guys who have challenged me ever showed up…but then, they were usually obvious trolls.

Who would think that Kosen and BJJ and Judo and Jujitsu maybe similar!!!

I wish I had the same insight Mongo has 10 posts ago, lol.

More breadcrumbs, I got to bring more breadcrumbs.

Great love