It’s easy. Queers like him love to rim guys out. Just ask or promise to blow your wad in his face and he’s sure to blow you a tune.
Dude, how did you know that I was gay?
Well, your poopy mouth was an obvious clue.
Definitely. I vote yes.
Unless rimming guys while you jerk them off counts as a martial art. Ask DerAus
Should have just started this thread there…
Oh… and your a moron…
And I’m not saying that just because Der gave me a rim job… I’m saying it because because I want to stick a box fuill of rusty nails up your rectum, one at a time…
That sounds sweet. I’m a noob tho- so please spit on them first.
No… you get it dry and raw…
For months now I’ve been giving, but never receiving. He’s a selfish lover really.
Liam, welcome to Bullshido, and thank you for gracing this lovely thread that RedGonzo has started in my honor.
This is like…what…the third thread someone has done calling me out?
Thing is…they’re never that good…
I keep hoping for a Gong Sau of JFS-epic proportions…
Or JKDReality!!!
He was fun!!!
“Chocolate? That’s doo-doo, baby!”
There now. Do you feel better.
{opens door to thread…looks around…pisses on RedGonzo…walks out of room and closes door}
Is this where I sign up for the Rusty Trombone?
Calling you out? no, I’m just saying your a little punk who dishes shit out to others but then when they call you on it you try to act like you never started shit in the first place. That’s how little bitches act. I’m sure you are just as tough in your day to day life though…yeah right!
You do realize the only one who’s acting like a punk here is you? You’re the only one who’s taken any of this seriously since the beginning.
Wait, so there’s no rusty trombone? What a fucking gip, we should definitely ban Red for false advertisement.
What did you day to get this guys panties in such a wad?