How much worse are female MAists?

Uh… yeah.

See, in MMA you aren’t seeing red trying to murder your opponent with your bare fists and boots, and in a street fight, you are.

we’re all talking about an average male, fighting a female amateur fighter of the same weight??? why are you personalizing it so?
What if you lived near the Hospital? should we all consider our opponents paraplegics?

Let us harken unto the words of Bill Duff, Book of Pectoralis, Chapter 4:

“And brethren, whenever two of you shall enter into a fight, remember that the battle goeth not to the skilled, not to the experienced, but to he who is larger and stronger, with a wrestling and football background. Now go unto the place of conflict and smash that guy!”

Average man = larger, stronger, more likely to have football and wrestling background

In conclusion: Average man by punch to the face and double leg tackle

kick to the ballsack FTW. If the size is similar

THANK you! Fuck!

Just because a woman, or man for that matter, trains, does not mean that she can take a hit from someone that much bigger than her. And even if they are of comparable height and weight, the guy will have more chest/shoudler/arm strength with which to knock the shit out of the gal.

What is the source of these numbers?

Conor: You are stupid. We have had this debate before on this board. Given equal training and being of approximately equal size gender is essentially irrelevant. As the size disparity increases the training disparity must also increase to compensate. Obviously a larger, stronger person who is equally well trained will smash you. But just as I, a relatively small male, must use training and technique to overcome the natural size and strength of larger males women must compensate for smaller size with better training.
Street vs MMA is also a stupid argument that has been done to death.

I’ve spent a good bit of time training. Nevertheless, I’d say I’d have a hell of a tough time beating someone who was, let’s say, twice as strong as me. And that’s often the type of strength differences you’re looking at between men and women. I know I can damn sure bench and squat twice as much as my wife can. I’d classify myself as a man of average strength and I’d say she’s a woman of average strength. No, it’s not scientific, but be realistic. Training gives you an advantage, but it’s difficult to erase a strength difference like that.

although…that statistic is shifting fast…

Another thing, if you want to compare people of equal size - again, I’m not claiming to offer scientific evidence. It’s just my opinion based on observation. But my experience is that even teenage boys 14 or 15 years old tend to be much stronger than women of equal size.

before i trained in MMA I sparred with AnnaT, so I think this is your “average” untrained (except for Kuk Sool wich doesn’t really count anyway) man vs. female fighter.

Me: 6’2’’ 245lbs (at the time, less fat now :toothy10:)
AnnaT: 5’9-10"? 160lbs or so.


The difference is that I’m better then you are and just because you’re 35 pounds fatter isnt going to save you.

5’10" 145-150lbs. Depending on if I’ve taken a dump in the past 7 days (which is usually no)

If you honest-to-God wanted to hurt her, do you think she really could’ve beat your ass? With no gloves? With bad intentions? With an 85 pound weight difference? I’m honestly interested in your opinion. But even without meeting you, I’m extremely doubtful.

If that is true, then why are men and women fighting in different leagues? They don’t want men hitting women?

I mean really, in all honesty, all the guys in practically every muay thai class I’ve been in are so horribly terrible that they need a significant weight advantage just to not get completely humiliated by my 125lb girlfriend.

In the cases where they do bring their weight advantage to bear to show the Power of Penis then I usually just step in the next day and beat their ass because I hit harder then they do simply because I am technically better then they’ll probably ever be.

Man, that Jackass in the dark of baseball jersey needs a serious ass beating followed by some time in the clink. Then his parents need a serious ass whupp’n for not teaching him any better than that.

I always knew you were full of shit.

Having tried to get a fight between me and some guy sanctioned I can emphatically state that most athletic commissions wont even touch the idea. Me and this dude tried to set something up in like 4 different states.

Yes I do. Besides the standup, she’s got more ground experience than me, and she’s a ton faster. If I was going all out with bad intentions she would be too, and I can say that she hits really fucking hard. I get punched in the face almost daily now by pro fighters, so I know what a hard punch is. If I tried to wrap her up, or bulldoze through her she’d probably kick my legs out from under me, or knee in the ribs breaking a couple of them.

I don’t LIKE to admit that a girl was so thoroughly able to whoop my ass, but it’s true. As for now… well that’ll have to wait for another throwdown. I do owe her a boxing match after all.