I was wondering recently how extreme the difference is between genders when it comes to fighting. Obviously women are smaller on average than men are, and less women train to fight than men do, so good fighters are less common.
But lets say there are two stand up fighters, one male, one female, with equivalent amount of technical skill, what would the descrepincy have to be between their weights for the fight to be fair?
Also, could an average man beat up a woman who fights on the amateur level?
i like to think that if women trained as hard and as often and were the same weight then the advantage that men would have would be down to natural muscle muscle mass and muscle distribution.
an interesting thing i found out;
men punch harder than women due to their muscle mass being located in the upper body
and women kick harder due to muscle mass being distributed to the lower body.
i think in an ideal world it would be the difference between strength and speed.
I think the fighters in question, and their training would be the biggest factor.
The weight of the boobs could be adjusted for.
Your average man would get owned by a similarly sized female figher. With equal training, I couldn’t say, but your average random dude, would have a rough time. Men are just generally larger, and more agressive…but skill is skill.
My girl T, punches harder than most of the people I’ve ever trained with. The guys who kick at her level, are generally 40 or more lbs heavier. Some women can throw down, it’s just the person in question.
EDIT: dietary habits in childhood, and childhood activities have a lot to do with how tough a person is. For men and women both.
That’s interesting to hear about women kicking harder, due to muscle distribution. I believe it, I got a black eye, around the thai pad from my girl once…I was lucky I ate the toe, and not the shin…I’d have been in the hospital.
And I’m resisting the urge to finish that with “you dumb bastard”.
Unless the weight/size differences were massively insurmountable, I’d say amateur chick (I have a subscription to that very website) beats non-trained average Joe every time.
There’s an amateur (or maybe pro?) fighter on here… she’s 5’10" 145lbs and I can’t imagine an untrained male fighter of similar size lasting too long.
That’s not hugging her nuts (riding her labia?)… that’s a genuine opinion. http://www.womenkickboxing.com/kat_johnson.htm
Don’t be silly, sochin, everyone knows that women can’t kick as hard as men, they have smaller feet. God made it that way so they could stand closer to the sink while washing dishes.