How is your training going: An open discussion topic since I don't think we have one right now?

Also is NeilG Neildo?

I don’t know what you mean by that.

Neildo was the username of a short Filipino Canuck who was a security guard. I couldn’t figure out if you were the same person.

Nope. I’m a Canuck alright but tall and white. I’ve been around here forever but don’t pop in too much these days.

This might sound cheesy, but i miss having a goal like that to work towards, it’s a great motivator for training and helps to really focus, so i almost want to say enjoy it (the journey).

They also say the best view comes after the hardest climb, so just keep at it :slight_smile:

And apparently, a rapper.

Just admit, you’re really Darrin Kenneth O’Brien.

Bullshido has a tradition of people constantly changing their usernames so I was just making sure.

@W.Rabbit this has nothing to do what we’re talking about but this video made me think of you.

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Naw, I’m really boring. NeilG is my real name and initial, and it’s been the same handle here for I dunno, 20 years?

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I really enjoyed American gods by the way.

Well done.


You only seem boring because of the whole Michigan to Canada transition.

But I get it.

The North Remembers.

Detroit is 11-1.

I got a good laugh out of that one !

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