Also is NeilG Neildo?
I don’t know what you mean by that.
Neildo was the username of a short Filipino Canuck who was a security guard. I couldn’t figure out if you were the same person.
Nope. I’m a Canuck alright but tall and white. I’ve been around here forever but don’t pop in too much these days.
This might sound cheesy, but i miss having a goal like that to work towards, it’s a great motivator for training and helps to really focus, so i almost want to say enjoy it (the journey).
They also say the best view comes after the hardest climb, so just keep at it
Bullshido has a tradition of people constantly changing their usernames so I was just making sure.
@W.Rabbit this has nothing to do what we’re talking about but this video made me think of you.
Naw, I’m really boring. NeilG is my real name and initial, and it’s been the same handle here for I dunno, 20 years?
I really enjoyed American gods by the way.
Well done.
You only seem boring because of the whole Michigan to Canada transition.
But I get it.
The North Remembers.
Detroit is 11-1.
I got a good laugh out of that one !