How do you visualize your fellow bulles?

The things we say and do here at Bullshido say certain, sometimes unintentional, things about who we are. With the exception of the people you’ve actually met, how do you see these people? Are they fat, untrained nerds who actually no nothing of the outside world, much less martial arts? Are they elequent and well spoken humble geniuses?

Here are some perceptions I have of some posters here on bullshido:

The Other Other Serge: A salty martial arts verteran who picks on the noobs in real life as much as he does on the internet. He started in Sambo for whatever reason, but now in his older years, wishs he knew more BJJ. He listens to 80’s hair bands (Winger is his favorite) and keep’s IROC in mint condition. Trys hard to supress gay urges.

Snake Plisskin: Pop culture addict that grew up on action films and chose Hapkido to try emulate what he saw on TV. Dresses like Professor Snape when he stands in line all day for the release of a Harry Potter movie. Embarresses his kids at every opprotunity possible.

f4nf4n (or whatever the hell your name is now): leiderhose-wearing, brauwurst-eating, southern German that has now moved to the NY and is swept up in the glamor of the big city. He’s facinated by the big BJJ gyms that have more than 4 other students. Never seen ‘ethinic’ food other than turkish.

Ok, there’s those three for starters. Obviously, they’re all crude sterotypes based on the most minor things (Serge’s Kenny G-esque hair, Snake’s avatar) that border on slander.

ps-This thread comes pre-trollshido’d to save the mods the time.

i figure most of you are skinny white boys, and older guys in varying stages of out-of-shape.

skinny white boys are mostly new to MA and are full of gusto. older guys are mostly out of shape from training hard young and fucking up their joints, generally full of wisdom.

you’re all wearing rashguards or t-shirts with MA affiliation logos. nerds.

F4nf4n actually looks more like a strung out bearded junkie who listens to death metal.

I always imagined IIF as being pent up and sexually repressed. Perhaps a neat freak.

Oooo! Do me! Do me!

Bearfucker: Too high to actually train (but calls it an injury) so he sit around fucks bears.

that’s accurate.

Auslander: Worlds toughest buddist. People pick on him, thinking he’s taken an oath to obstain from violence, only to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them, he then skull fucks them, and prays for them in the next life (I don’t remember too much about Buddism).

Auslander: Studys Buddism to get the attention his parents never gave him. Lurks on all threads to drop such priceless witissisms such as

“Shut the fuck up”


“Shut up”

If you focus only on the words, you fail to penetrate.

Im sure you have plenty of experience in failing to penatrate.

I’m trying to make this thread more about shallow first impressions, rather than deeply accurate profiles.

When I first met Omega, he said he thought I was some small teenage kid.

Needless to say I was taken aback, but then I thought about the posts I had made on this website (at least the ones that he would have seen) and realized I couldn’t blame him.

as for Auslander? I just get a picture of a tall guy raking a rock garden.

Personally I’m more interested in the trolls. What ARE their lives like that drives them to trolldome? What horrifying physical features lead them to lash out at the world via the internet? How deformed IS Jalon?

Rock Ape - Bipolar Brit who vacillates between zen-like asiophilic calm in the aikido / Iaido tradition,

and the Manic Homicidal Infantry instructor who would shoot a terrorist just to watch his head vaporize in a crimson mist.

Oldman34 - Trailer Park Redneck Southerner, complete with obligatory beer in hand.

IIF - Large scholarly dude with glasses who could probably kick your ass, if he could drag himself away from disecting your every post long enough.

Johnny Snake-varks - Think Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,

'Nuff Said?

My bad I actualy liked Auslander before I got to know him. BADOOM CHHHH

Kintanon Bad ass debater, I would even go so far as to say Master deBater. Very like minded in political beliefs. No idea if he even trains. Dosnt matter. I never miss his posts.

Omega Omega came off as the kung fu unlce I never had but always wanted.

The Question He was the first AWSOME troll of my early days. I wish tharuz would take notes.

Ke?po Fist Do you remember his old avatar? that coupled with his name made me love him because I did KeNpo. He seems like a nice guy and his throwdown vids are cool

AnaTrocity The only person on Bullshido I wouldnt fight. Shes a bad ass among keyboardwarriors

It was actually a reference to Auslander’s ‘penetrating’ post. I just finished doing pushups for yours.

I thought Omega would be bigger.

Raz. like this
but with a good ground game.
If I’m wrong please don’t tell me!

Syberia -

I doubt think she looks like this, but it’s the image that pops into my head anyway.

hoodedmonk: Neither hooded, nor a monk, but a potatoe farmer (what else is in carson, WA?). He keeps his Ford F150 working after working on his armbars.

Alright F@cker! I had an f-150! this game’s stoopid!