It seems that little Dick Van Donk hasn’t been getting a lot of action lately. At first I thought it might be that my tabis were stinking. But I covered that over with some Dr. Hatsumi’s foot and shoe fungal remover. Last night I got cleaned up after killing a bunch of people and went to the bar in my finest ninja mask. There were a lot of ninjettes, but I struck out every time.
Here’s the lines I used…
So, you want to come back to my place and polish my sword?
So, you want to come back to my place and polish my kama?
So, you want to come back to my place and polish my sai?
So, you want to come back to my place and exchange poison recipes?
So, what’s a hot Ninjette like you doing without any blood all over her?
So, wanna go back to my place and play Hide the Little Ninja?
After several hours of lines, and a lot of cups of hot sake in my face, I thought I would just go home and rub my own sword.
GHB has a reputation as a date rape drug but mostly it’s just to get fucked up at parties. High doses can knock someone on their ass, however, and of course there are people out there that will take advantage of that.
Most ninjettes have built up tolerances for such drugs so the drugs can not be used against them. They are also known to injest heavy doses of chocolate candy for the same purpose. This sometimes affects their rope climbing abilities.