how did you meet?

your current missus. or alternatively, the best story you have of meeting someone. or both! i made this thread because im feeling all menstrual and such, that time of the month you know.

For the current ladyfriend, i met her when she came to a housewarming party. she was with a guy i knew from highschool at the time so i held back the charm. unfortunately holding back is not a great quality of mine, she fell for me, i realised the guy was not actually interested in her so much as interested in having someone on his arm, so i got her drunk and now i stand around outside womens toilets holding her handbag.

THe best way I ever met someone though was when I was a bit younger. I was up visiting my folks, and went down to the local foodstore. I got through to the checkout and noticed the girl there was someone who I had known (and had a bit of a thing with) when I was much younger. you know, primary school shit of holding hands, cuddling, kissing behind the bike shed etc.

so i drove home, shaved, got changed into some nice clothes, did my hair- made it real obvious. came back, went through the checkout and she said yes before id even gotten out the classic “so what time do you get off work?”

unfortunately the date was appalling and she was the most boring girl in the history of anything, but i still think that was a pretty suave thing to do.

I have the gayest, most sappy meeting story ever.

I went to kindergarten with this girl, and we became friends. Eventually it got to the point where I called her my girlfriend, whatever that means for a 5 year old. Anyway, I moved to a different school the next year and that was that, or so I thought. In second grade she moved to the same school as me. We got together again. We dated(?) off and on until the third grade. I bought her a necklace from Revco pharmacy. I was a little ladies man.

In fourth grade we were still together. We ended up staying together pretty much until the 8th grade. She was the first girl I did anything with; kissing, making out, and, you know, sexual stuff.

In high school we kinda went our separate ways. She was the homecoming queen and captain of the cheer-leading squad, and I was a burnout skater kid. I harbored some strong resentment towards her and our relationship was cold at best.

I saw her maybe once in the six years following graduation, and even then we didn’t even really speak.

About 4 years ago I happened to run into her again at a bar and we had a decent conversation. We went out a couple more times and it seemed like the spark was back.

We kept on dating and have since bought a house together. Now she’s starting to talk about having little mixed-breed babies with me, and surprisingly enough, it hasn’t scared me off.

I have no such stories. I have been failing in that area of life. Failing.

I met my wife in college in a class titled Quest for Meaning. I bit her head off in a class debate on purpose so I could apologize later.

She finally agreed to date me a year later.

I find all of my “dates” in the Erotic Services section of Craig’s List.

As your temporarily appointed legal council, I insist and implore you Drunken Bear, to let Sally out of the trunk of your car right now! Working girls have families too! Good god, show some empathy man!

Oh shit I forgot she was even in there. I was wondering what those tire marks on my back were from this morning & why I had that road flare up my ass.

Remember DB, to get your craig’s list deposit back you need to return her home!

Does it matter if they’re no longer breathing?
I’ve probably said way too much already. Good thing there’s a new development going in up the street. Now I gotta go find a shovel.

Bad Drunken Bear! No pulse, no deposit back! You’ve been a very bad Now where the *&%^ is my retainer?

I think most of us do.

Solidarity brother! SOlidarity with the inept among us!

but hey, I wear a loincloth, so i have an excuse

I’m faxing it to you as we speak.

How did we meet? Well. Thats a tale of love and wonder to rival any passions and beauty of legend.

It was six years ago. I was stationed at Burnham at the time, in the South Island.
One morning I was out for a run. As dawn approached I looked about me, enjoying the gentle caress of the suns first rays on my cool flesh.
Then, slowly the first tendrils of light seeped like treacle over the hills, casting strands of sight like the gentle fingers of a goddess.
Then I saw her. My eyes were drawn to her playful frolicking in the field in the same manner as my heart was drawn out by that gentle, mirthful bleating.
I climbed over the fence and ran to her, my arms outstretched.
Her ears pricked and she turned, the silhoutte of her curley fleece sending my heart and loins into overwhelming passion.
I remember it as if it was slow motion… my running through the green, moist fields of dawn towards my love… her running away in what must have been a playful game of hard to get…

anyway… the rest, as they say… is history.

And his first words to her were… “I love Ewe”. :hitit:

I meet my wife in a bookstore in Busan, South Korea. I was perusing the foreign (American) book section for something to read, and low and behold this girl came up and started talking to me. I thought she was hot so I asked her to go get something to eat with me. She agreed and we ended up spending the day together. Six months later we got married. Now, about 4 years later she 9 months pregnant with our mixed race baby.

HIV clinic.

worked together for almost 2 years before dating. in fact, really didn’t like each other for about the first year we knew each other.

now together @ 8 years.

I met my wife the night she was out on a date with an Army buddy of mine. She got drunk and started whispering dirty shit in my ear. Of course, as the night progressed we started making out, then she went home with him. HA HA LULZ!

After I returned from my summer officer’s training, we met up again sober. She invited me to breakfast with her and the friends she was with, and I accepted. We pretty much saw each other every day after that and were married three months later. I left for my officer’s training for six months a week after our court wedding.

We had our third anniversary this Friday.

met my current girl through a mutual friend, but we didn’t start dating until she sewed up my eyebrow gash from a rough night during training…