How dare you question me?

The white guy in the beginning of the clip cannot do a one inch punch. That demo of him loooked bad.

The guy in the green shirt knows more about the one inch punch.

When you guys discuss how the one inch punch is not very useful, I believe that is because you don’t fully think of all the situations in which fights take place. Because you are focused on ring fighting, all you think of is ring fighting.

One inch punch is for close in fighting. In MMA or boxing, people stand at some distance from each other while they fight. In some kung fu styles, they practice getting in as close to your body as possible. It is a test of the bodies of each of the combatants.

Kung fu can be thought of as devloping your body from the outside down to the inside by levels. A person who is at a lower level closer to their center, has abilities that a person who is at a higher level from the center does not have.

The person who is closer to their own center, can move in close to the body of the opponent to attack, and because the opponent has not developed his body to the same deep level, he literally cannot do anything. He cannot control his muscles or tendons or anything else, at the level of the attacking person who is close to his own center.

Does that makes sense to you? Maybe a gun and a knife would be a good example? If you had a gun, you could fight with someone who was standing across from you. But if your opponent has a knife and he moves in close to you, you can’t do anything. Your gun is maybe three feet long. There is no room between you and the guy with the knife, which is maybe 8 inches long, for you to use your weapon. But the knife guy can cut you to shreds.

That is what kung fu development of the low levels of the body does for you. You have a close in knife to most peoples long distance gun.

The one inch punch is meant to be an internal power strike. Internal power strikes work by compression waves. You guys I think don’t know anything about compression waves.

When you guys think about striking, you think about impact. How much force do you deliver to the surface of the opponents body? Delivering that type of force takes a certain kind of technique, and the force usually stays on the external part of the opponents body.

An internal strike though, works by going through the surface of the body into the inside of the body. This is done by compression waves, like an earthquake. When there is an earthquake, compression waves travel through the earth and can crush the ground. An internal martial artist hits the opponent in a special way that delivers a compression wave to the opponent. The compression wave travels through the skin and outer surface of the body, into the inside of the body. The liver or heart or spleen are all soft, so a compression wave hitting them is going to want to crush the organ like an earthquake compression wave crushing the ground.

That is what the one inch punch is for. You can give someone a heart attack if you know what you are doing. It is easy.

I don’t know about a heart attack, but you just gave me a headache…

It is people like you that make other people so suspicious of stuff like this. All this death strike/heart attack stuff is not helping-Would you be so kind as to just let people read the how to and maybe get shown how to do it then make their own minds up.

It’s a punch that gets it’s power from non traditional muscle groups and thats it. I’ve heard all the stories about what it might do and keep an open mind about it, but unless you can point me at a post mortem report or something similar please stop throwing unevidenced bollocks into the mix-It really isn’t needed here.

As for it being easy, easy to understand the theory maybe, but it’s one of the most complex techniques I was ever taught with next to no error margin. With all due respect -you sir, are talking shit.

I can do haertattacks without touching a man, all i do is date his daughter.


That is a common side effect of a human mind opening.

Mr MarkyMark. Before I reply, I would like you to know that I read this entire thread. I had good thoughts and feelings about you, because you seemed calm, knowledgeable and polite.

You start your reply to me with a dismissive tone. You sound like you know it all and you are talking down to someone.

You also said “I am a LEO and was trained to use the Monadnock green yellow red striking areas in response to different levels of threat”, earlier in the thread, as if you are someone trustworthy who should be listened to.

I don’t give a damn if you work for the FBI or the NSA. If you don’t demonstrate knowledge of what you are talking about, you are a fool, and I have absolutely no problem telling people exactly what a fool you are.

After treating me rudely in your first paragraph, could you please explain what exactly your problem with “this heart attack stuff” is? I am guessing you are probably a blow hard, because this stuff is so obvious that someone that denies it must be a blowhard looking for attention.

If you really are a LEO, you must have been taught CPR? Correct?

What is CPR? CPR is pounding the chest to restart the heart? How does that work? The force of the hand strike to the chest is supposed to affect the heart? How does that work? A compression wave travels from the CPR hand through the skin, the sternum, the fascia, etc, until it reaches the heart, where it is supposed to jump start the heart.

What is the difference between CPR and a one inch punch? The amount of force. CPR they tell you don’t punch the guy in the chest or you kill him. Right?

So for a one inch punch, you punch him hard in the chest like the CPR guys tell you NOT to do, and the guy dies.

What, Mr MarkyMark Big Shot LEO man, is the difference between CPR compression waves traveling to the heart and causing some change, and a one inch punch caused compression wave traveling to the heart and causing heart attack?

Seriously. Don’t run away. Don’t wave your hands in the air for distraction. Answer the question directly like you upright LEO guys are supposed to be.

Oh. So the big shot LEO man really knows nothing about anatomy or kung fu, or he is hiding what he knows.

It is so convenient for big shot LEO man to say “HiThere, you are wrong, but I am not going to tell you exactly what it is you are wrong about. I am a big shot LEO guy, so take my word for it”.

This isn’t court. No one is forced to believe your lies at the point of a gun.

Shut up. Just shut up. You think because you are LEO you can talk down to people. That only works when you are LEO. Here you are just a blowhard know nothing. Your bullying does not work unless you have your gun and your badge.

You may or may not know something. So far I have seen you say your opinion, then run away saying you don’t want to give details.

I don’t think you know squat and that is why you run away without giving details.

Mr LEO. Fuck you sir.

When you prove that you know something about kung fu, anatomy, physics, or anything else invovled in this discussion, I might consider believing…oh…maybe the bullshit you really are a LEO.

Did I ever tell you I am The Wizard of Oz? Really! I swear! And that means you have to believe me.

Oh ya.

Why is a Mr Big Shot LEO, writing under the nickname of a HipHop guy?

You sure you not a pimple faced 18 year old who bought all of MarkyMark’s albums?

I dont?

Young’s modulus for soft tissues is between 10 and 400 kPa. Ill take 200 kPa for my calculations.

The equation for young’s modulus is E=Stress/strain which equals Applied force/(area*%change in length).

A longitudinal compression wave (although it will be highly damped in the human body) would have a maximum amplitude at t=0. At t=0, we simply use the above equation. The greatest amplitude (ie, % change in length) for a compression wave is gained by hitting the smallest possible area with the greatest possible force.

So no, the 1 inch punch does not have as great a force as a regular punch, and therefore, less compression.

One inch punch is for close in fighting. In MMA or boxing, people stand at some distance from each other while they fight. In some kung fu styles, they practice getting in as close to your body as possible. It is a test of the bodies of each of the combatants.

So all that grappling people do in MMA is not close range?

That is what the one inch punch is for. You can give someone a heart attack if you know what you are doing. It is easy.

No, you cant. In order to disrupt the cardiac cycle, you need to hit someone during the repolarization part of the t-wave. It is impossible to tell without an EKG when the t-wave is, and its impossible to time a strike to coincide with it. The window of time in which you can stop the heart is 10-30 milliseconds.

Ok if I insulted you I apologise. Perhaps I over strenuously wanted to put some distance between your beliefs and mine.

Ok as to your back your shit up gauntlet-A fair challenge and I will put my money where my mouth is.

CPR= Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. It involves chest compressions and artificial breathing. It is a support to minimise tissue damage caused by lack of oxygenation to body tissues(mainly the brain when cardiac activity has arrested.) It will not restart a stopped heart.

A heart attack is actually Myocardial infarction. It means a part of the heart muscle has infarcted(died). This is usually caused by a blood clot entering the heart and obstructing blood flow to a portion of it which causes tissue death. Not usually a punch to the chest.

The strike you mistakenly referred to as CPR is a peri cordial thump. It was advocated for use when a heart was in fibrillation in order to shock it back into regular beating. It is no longer included in basic first aid training.

Yes any strike to the chest could theoretically stop the heart but that is unlikely in a conscious person supporting their rib cage. You were getting mystical about a punching technique when I am having a hard job convincing these guys it’s not a ninja smoke bomb.

Lastly I am a serving Detective and work in the UK and have been a LEO since 1995. I think Lebell is shortly going to ask me to prove it in some way or I will get banned for bullshitting-If his request doesn’t involve sticking my personal details up for all to see I guess you will find out soon enough if I am lying.

Prepare to eat your words bud :slight_smile:

What is CPR? CPR is pounding the chest to restart the heart? How does that work? The force of the hand strike to the chest is supposed to affect the heart? How does that work? A compression wave travels from the CPR hand through the skin, the sternum, the fascia, etc, until it reaches the heart, where it is supposed to jump start the heart.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

CPR is designed to keep blood flowing to the brain while the heart is not perfusing the body. Without prompt use of a defibrillator or quick transfer to a hospital, CPR has a less than 1% success rate. It does not restart the heart by itself.

If it was for restarting the heart, and not for circulating oxygenated blood, why do you have to ventilate the patient?

Edit: Ninjaed by MarkyMark.

To be honest I didn’t know it was a hip hop thing-My name is Mark and thats about it really.

I am more into rock music GnR, Anastacia, Evanescence some Gothy stuff.

When I was 18 I did have terrible acne but just suffer the occasional zit now.

I wish I was 18 again but could know what I know now.

Anyway have you calmed down yet?

No, he never calms down. He is a troll, a bigot, that hates Jews and believes in a world conspiracy. Oh and Chinese people have chi powers and telepathy. Ignore his ranting.

A guy i know works on an ambulance he told me a disturbing story: he says he hates idiots who start to do cpr and that heart pounding without the proper experience, on several occasions they sorta ram on the heart area doing more bad then good for the patient and he’s also seen internal damage from broken ribs…

he wasnt joking, it freaked me out.

the ultimate enemy: jewish telekenetic chinese that want to take over the world.

could be a new jet li movie.

Aaaaggghhh! You went and put the thread in with Bill Duff- If he tells me one more time about “spending the next few hours focusing his chi” on rocks in a river I will scream!!!

Well, when I read the Detective bit I immediately thought of Elvis Costello “Watching The Detectives” but was confused by the hip hop ref but now it all makes sense.


Thank you for the laughter Happeh. Whether you know it or not, you are definitely a master of irony.

No, I moved the Hithere garbage out. Your thread is still in YMAS.

Yes, your friend is almost correct, but consider you do cpr to a person which heart is not pumping. Broken ribs and punctured lungs can be treated at hospital later. No cpr and there will be no need to take the guy to the hospital. Five minutes without blood flow and the brain cells are fucked.