I’ve been under siege for weeks and it’s starting to prove detrimental to my psyche
Well, best way is to smell bad. Too bad that will “defend” you from more than the bugs. You can also wear long clothing and die of heat instead.
Certain plants ward away mosquitoes by chemicals, you could Google that. Walmart occasionally sells Venus flytraps in their gardening section, those things kill them like mad. Bug zappers also work.
blood sucking freaks
this might sound like “touchy feely” b.s. but i took garlic supplements for years and never had a problem with them. i stopped taking them last year and now the little bastards have it in for me.
skin so soft also worked but i haven’t seen it on the shelves lately. it was supposed to be a moisturizer, but turned out to be a better insect repellent.
- Make a shitty post.
- Grab the shit out of the aforementioned shitty post with a spatula.
- Apply the shit scooped on step #2 on yourself.
- Repeat until you have covered yourself from head to toes with the shit you post.
That usually takes care of them, mosquitoes.
-Install window screens if you don’t have
-Repair window screens if you do have them
-Bug spray
-Bug zapper
Or try a Me262.
I have found that years of chi sao training have heightened my senses to the point where mosquitos can’t even land on me w/out me feeling them and being able to counter their bites.
Train wing chun…defeat mosquitos!
It depends on where you live.
In Louisiana and Florida, mosquitoes have a majority of the vote; it is illegal to kill them except in self-defense, and they have a legal right to your blood which supercedes your right of self-defense. A .22 should suffice to dispatch all but the largest of them, if you decide to take your chances with a jury.
Here in Minnesota, a .22 will not do the job, but they have no rights. I suggest a shotgun, or failing that, a variant of the armbar on an antenna will do the trick. Mosquitoes here do not grok grappling. Striking may work as well, but I’m not as familiar with those arts.
Just put em in a guillotine, dude! Cut off their blood supply, keep them from getting into your blood supply, it’s all good
Glad you asked. For only $200.00 I can train you in Mosquito Kung Fu, which happens to be my specialty. You will learn a deadly bear slap to the landing area. To paraphrase Jimmy Woo, “You will not have to fight bug, just swat it”.
It depends. . .
how many mosquito are we talking about?
5-12? I’d suggest EPAKempo. Their multiple-attack scenarios
can help you greatly with just the right amount of opponents.
15-25? Pentjack-Silat Serak. . .
With Addy Hernandez:
YouTube - A Cut Above with Addy Hernandez
More than that, try John Perkins’ “Guided Chaos” at Attack Proof
she’ll hump those mosquitos right into orbit!
The best way to get around mosquitoes is to always wear a wet suit. They won’t be able to bite through and you’ll be able to go on exciting underwater adventures whenever the opportunity arises!
The Avon skin so soft is your best bet which is probably why it wasn’t found in stores
Drain all nearby bodies of water.
Drain your blood.
The carbon dioxide trap is the best way to go. Mosquitoes are like 8-year-olds to its guy-in-van-with-candy.
Skeeterbag 2.1. Alternately, ARMbar.
Chopstick, my son. Yes, you should only need one!