How `aliens` fight

I sometimes wonder how aliens fight. Is there a MMA, a grappling or a weapons system? Do they mix guns with hands and swords? Why do they fight ? Below are some pointers, but since humans made them, the questions remain, so far, just questions.

YouTube- Worst Fight Scene Ever
YouTube- Alien Vs Predator (Shower)
YouTube- Fight Scene from Aliens versus Predator 2
YouTube- Angry aliens at District 9 - Johannesburg

Srsly homes, aliens fight with broken cerveza bottles. An sometime wi pickup trucks.

Sorry the correct answer is that since the aliens lose in every movie, they must use Wing Chun.

Space, Above and Beyound.
Alien Nation.
Phantasm, Lord of Illusion.
Alien Gonzalez.

You’re not up on your aliens.

[quote=Sri Hanuman;2424737]Space, Above and Beyound.
Alien Nation.
Phantasm, Lord of Illusion.
Alien Gonzalez.

You’re not up on your aliens.[/quote]

The website says that I have a crush on you and now I’m doing push-ups.

SAaB, space theatre as grim as BSG reimaged, yet more than 10 years earlier. Always found it a shame that there wasn’t a second season (and a third…and a fourth).

It was hands down one of the greatest Sci Fi series in circulation. That’s precisely the reason it was cancelled.

I imagine it was the same for LEXX. That particular series was mind-blowingly amazing, had everything I could want. Brian Downey played a very credible character that really got to you after a while. It’s a shame broadcast executives and creative minds don’t see eye to eye.

Man, I’m glad I came into this thread and was reminded of Space, Above and Beyond.

I’m putting emphasis on LEXX dammit.

One word in cancelled Scifi shows: Firefly.

Fucking travesty.

Edit: Lexx was also pretty awesome.

My fave episode was season 2: The Garden. (The plant city on the water planet.)

Wonder if they have these on Hulu.

Back to the original question, they use cloaking devices and shoot lightning out of stuff on their arms but Arnold Schwartzenwhatever can still kick their loser alien asses.

It was much worse when he faced off against Chris Hansen. He owned that predator…

What the fuck happened to my post?

In any case, Battlestar Galactica sucks. Babylon 5 was better.

He used trickery instead of fighting though. I mean really…“get naked and walk into my kitchen”…that’s just cheating and I don’t think that it should be given the same weight as fighting. Plus now, look at all the people who are afraid to walk into a strangers kitchen naked. So I think that Chris Hansen’s tactics can not be counted until they’re proven in the octagon.

I think they should be. Oh, they should.

Guy walks into a kitchen, hears a 5 year old’s voice telling him to undress and walk into the living room. As he walks in, the back part of the house falls off, as the guy steps into a makeshift arena full of Turkish oil wrestlers. If he makes it out alive, he goes to prison. If not, he’s already gone through 5-10 years of prison at an accelerated rate. Win win.

[quote=Sri Hanuman;2424807]I think they should be. Oh, they should.

Guy walks into a kitchen, hears a 5 year old’s voice telling him to undress and walk into the living room. As he walks in, the back part of the house falls off, as the guy steps into a makeshift arena full of Turkish oil wrestlers. If he makes it out alive, he goes to prison. If not, he’s already gone through 5-10 years of prison at an accelerated rate. Win win.[/quote]
Aziz likes the way you think.

Nerd Alert:

I read somewhere that some ‘weapons expert’ actually developed some forms and actual fighting technique for the klingon Bat leth. For that stupid reason they get my vote.

Besides, I like Klingons.They’re one of the few badass things in the Star Trek Universe:

No vids, Dar. You suck.

YouTube- Joe Varady - Bat’leth
YouTube- Northern Style Bat’Leth Set
YouTube- I.K.V. Melota 2008 Bat’leth Tournament

[quote=helmutlvx;2424787]What the fuck happened to my post?

In any case, Battlestar Galactica sucks. Babylon 5 was better.[/quote]

As a caveat, Babylon 5 was full of contrived alien martial arts - I think there was even an episode with a reference to an alien martial arts tournament. Unfortunately, you don’t see a whole lot of exotic-styled fighting (unless one counts the occasions that “Rangers” wail on people with their retractable kill-pipes).

That said, Dragon Ball Z was almost nothing but alien martial arts - I’m surprised nobody mentioned that. The multiple-G training in DBZ seemed like an awesome concept.

@riduan: I would think that even as a species with no quantifiable experience with aliens (in reality), we might still be able to conceive of fighting systems based upon physics and how they might apply to various anatomical configurations.

Martial arts aside, the thing that has always bugged me about movie aliens in general (especially in more recent movies) is the “alien jump” - you know, where X alien doesn’t seem particularly big or strong, but can leap over cars or buildings - a feat which, in the context of the movie, seems both unnecessary and arguably anatomically unlikely. District 9 has an “alien jump” example or two. I always thought that impossible feats of alien strength took away from certain SCI-FI media, while it added to others.

Oh, and be careful with threads like this ~ (they attract rabbits).

[quote=helmutlvx;2424864]No vids, Dar. You suck.
Maybe I do.
When times are hard and I need the money.
And why would I bother when I knew that you’d do it?:user:

Keeping with the Aliens fighting(and start trek) theme:

Happy now?

Also, Battlestar Galactica was fine until the writers ran out of plot twists and it went all metaphysical.It then swiftly disappeared up its own philosophical bunghole.