House or boat?

A friend of mine has offered to buy me a house, but this neighbourhood is looking up and we’re getting a socialist Prime Minister so I wanna buy this pad eventually.

However, my stepdad and Mum want a boat and my stepdad’s designs, as a multitalented sailor, kick ARSE!

I vote boat.

Any suggestions?

Buy a blender that your head will fit in.

It would have to be a fucking big blender. And effective. I have a 70cm+ head with extra bone.

I missed the part where looking after my Mum is worthy of contempt.

You’re crap and no-one likes you.

Get both.

Get a house boat. With no internet connection.

Yeah dude! A houseboat!! I have fond childhood memories of being on a house boat with my family.

But why no interne… oh I get it, haha.

Get a boat and drown in it.

Fuck off before I get my Irish friend to show you bata then turn you into sausages (he’s a butcher)

Go have a pint and visit the apothecary.

Stop fucking up my rep Odacon.

I’ll have a real Irishman stick your head on a pike.

Confront me in open debate.

Ban for death threat plz.

Coming from somebody who threatened to stab me in the eye with my own torn out rib and rape my mother.

Are you even OLD enough to own property Mega?

Get the house, that way you’ll make money.
A boat will only depriciate-get one of them when you can afford to.

Thats fucking genuis. + rep AS to mediocrity.

Lol I can’t be bothered to debate with the more likeable/intelligent members of this forum, why would I do so with a plank like you? I also love your threats, they have a real “I’ve never spoken up for myself in my life” tone to them.

It’s already got a head yah daftie.

That was Sushi, I thought reading was your strong point…

I propose AS for mod of this subforum.

It doesn’t matter because my penis is larger than yours and I will use it more times in the next month than you will ever use it for the rest of your short, disabled and very pathetic life. Loser.

And yeah, I do own property fagbot.